Zalesski Vladimir : другие произведения.

The Monologue of an ordinary spectator

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    The Monologue of an ordinary spectator

  The Monologue of an ordinary spectator
  I don't watch movies. In past I watched films. Now there is no desire.
  The last movie was watched by me, apparently, about DiCaprio: as DiCaprio met with the Pope. Still he, apparently, met with the UN Secretary-General and with Musk.
  I could not resist watching the story about the cottage, built on a landslide. But I watched without sound...To consider this story as a movie? Or information material? Perhaps, small documentary.
  I know Konchalovsky. I watched his movie about the Odyssey. I have been delighted. It seems, he has shot the film about Odisey in Hollywood? Even I have printed out the list of the films shot by Konchalovsky. But there wasn't enough persistence to watch other movies by Konchalovsky. At that time still I watched movies. I was limited to the foreign movie about history with the head of the World Bank (?) with Depardieu in a leading role.
  Yes... We will return back to Konchalovsky.
  Here is a note about Konchalovsky. He's presenting a film about Michelangelo. That's interesting! Well, about the movie, I don't know how interesting it is. But Michelangelo and his life, his work - they are interesting.
  Perhaps, and to watch the movie?
  New note. The godspeed for the Konchalovsky's movie.
  The strange phrase 'Кстати, оба предыдущих фильма А.Кончаловского (Рай, Белые ночи...), также вышедшие при поддержке @Culture_RF...' ( "By the way, both of the previous film's" (Paradise, White nights...), also published with the support of @Culture_RF...')
  That is, and this film - about Michelangelo-also with the support of @Culture_RF? What is @Culture_RF? Well... one can assume...
  And the film is called 'Грех' ("Sin")?!
  One "sin" already was, very inappropriate, in my opinion (this is a softest my the picked-up definition).
  Now new?
  Sins our heavy ...
  Konchalovsky, of course, with his film about Odysseus - is a great man, but why to me the other people's sins?
  Sins our heavy ...
  "Save and Protect...!!!'
  October 28, 2018 19:40
  Translation from Russian into English: October 28, 2018 20:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог рядового кинозрителя'.
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