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The mysterious stone, three tulips and one rose. The sketch to the March 8 holiday

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The mysterious stone, three tulips and one rose. The sketch to the March 8 holiday.

  The mysterious stone, three tulips and one rose. The sketch to the March 8 holiday.
  Where did this stone come from, and what is its mission - this was unknown to anyone.
  The stone hit into the space between the tires of the double rear wheel of a heavy truck and at some point was thrown, was directed to the electric scooter on which the teenager was going.
  The teenager involuntarily made gesture by his hand (to maintain balance) and knocked out three tulips from the palm of a person who was walking nearby.
  Tulips soared into the air. The wind picked them up and carried them away from the bridge along which the heavy truck, electric scooter, and the owner of tulips moved.
  The tulips flew smoothly down, onto a boulevard running along a river, under a bridge, right into the hands of a company of three girls.
  The girls were looking in this moment to the bridge, and they did not miss the moment. In the hands of each girl was one tulip.
  The owner of the tulips looked down from the bridge at the girls and at the tulips. Girls affably waved tulips to him.
  As a result, as the owner of the tulips, so and the girls visited a cafe where they got acquainted ('Sasha!', 'Valya!', 'Vera!' [Faith], 'Vika!').
  Sasha congratulated the girls on March 8, and in response they told him that he knows, he skilled how to get acquainted with girls.
  Sasha paid more attention to Vera. Valya and Vika were in a hurry somewhere and soon left (with tulips and with a good mood).
  However, two other friends of Vera came. First - Nadia [Hope], then - Lyuba [Love]. Members of company drank of coffee, and got acquainted.
  Finally, Vera began to gather home, and Sasha went to accompany her.
  When they approached Vera's house, Sasha bought a rose in addition to a tulip and presented a rose to Vera.
  Vera had a tulip in one hand and a rose in the other. Both hands were busy, and she kissed Sasha on the cheek.
  Sasha was happy. He took Vera's phone number, arranged a meeting and went on according his plans.
  The day was filled with unexpected and pleasant events.
  As for the stone that got into the electric scooter, it and its origin remained unknown; and he continued to carry out a some mysterious, unknown to anyone, mission.
  March 8, 2020 17:35
  Translation from Russian into English: March 8, 2020 21:33.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Таинственный камень, три тюльпана и одна роза. Зарисовка к 8 Марта'.
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