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The new report on results by Foreign Minister Lavrov is the point of interest of Vanya Zhukov. A sketch

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    The new report on results by Foreign Minister Lavrov is the point of interest of Vanya Zhukov. A sketch.

  The new report on results by Foreign Minister Lavrov is the point of interest of Vanya Zhukov. A sketch.
  Coincidentally, power in (almost across all) Afghanistan passed (instantly) to new (old) political players, the tumultuous events at and around Kabul airport have not yet ended, and a large forum has already taken place (more than 40 states participated in it) in neighboring state.
  It seems this forum has been named (officially) as an unfriendly event.
  Vanya Zhukov is alarmed.
  He is trying to find a new, fresh report on results from Foreign Minister Lavrov.
  In the process of searching, Vanya discovers information that calms him.
  Summit meeting with the King of one of the states of the Middle East. He came on a working visit. The king was greeted with respect. Vanya tries to remember: who visited MAKS-2021?
  Active negotiations with another (oil-rich) kingdom. Yes, this kingdom gave a helping hand when (Novak and partners from Kazakhstan, what were they doing?) collapsed in oil prices.
  But oil prices have collapsed - it happened quit recently, and the (oil-rich) kingdom has been involved in events around Afghanistan at certain times.
  It is very interesting.
  Minister Lavrov leaves for Hungary. Hungary participated in the very same forum, which is called "unfriendly", and signed the final declaration. Vanya expects great results from Lavrov's visit to Hungary. Maybe the interests of people who speak Hungarian need to be protected? Urgently to Hungary !!!
  After the signing of that same declaration (by more than forty states), a telephone conversation with Lukashenka took place.
  Here Vanya thought deeply for a minute. It's a difficult matter - to look into someone else's soul ... Lukashenka, most likely, has read this final declaration. What did he think? He approved? Or he didn't agree? Vanya doesn't know.
  The CSTO event took place by teleconference.
  It would be natural to find some document officially adopted by the CSTO, which would formulate the positions of the CSTO on the situation in Afghanistan and on issues that were discussed at the forum in a neighboring country.
  But Vanya did not hear anything about the documents from the CSTO ... Yes, this is a very useful event ... A digitalization, after all ...
  Vanya continues to look for a fresh report from Minister Lavrov. However, the respected minister Lavrov is leaving for Hungary. So it makes sense to postpone the search for Minister Lavrov's fresh report (and do a not-fresh reports exist in nature?) until his return from Hungary ...
  August 24, 2021 06:35
  Translation from Russian into English: August 24, 2021 07:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Новый отчет Министра иностранных дел Лаврова волнует Ваню Жукова. Скетч".
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