Zalessky Vladimir : другие произведения.

The paradox of a precaution. A story from the practice of participating in litigation

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    The paradox of a precaution. A story from the practice of participating in litigation.

  The paradox of a precaution. A story from the practice of participating in litigation.
  Any person who has more or less significant life experience is capable to show a some form of premonition and of a precaution.
  In one of the miniatures, I talked about a trip related to legal issues to another city. (MMDLXXXII. A monologue of a jealous driver in the presence of a lawyer. A story from the practice of participating in litigation. - December 13, 2021.).
  During this trip, our car had an accident and I broke a rib. And the next day I had to go again along the same route - this was dictated by professional needs ...
  Let's call this trip - conditionally, for convenience of presentation - the first.
  Professionally, these trips were necessary. Physiologically, these trips were tiring. Four hours - the duration of the trip in one direction, four - in the opposite direction.
  On the "first" trip, I was a passenger. How could I be careful? Warn about possible troubles? I warned, albeit in a fairly general form. Maybe it helped the driver by half a percent? There was no way to abstain from the trip...
  I remember two more trips along the same route.
  On the 'second' trip, I was also a passenger.
  We started early. There was a driver and two (or three) respectable people in the car with me.
  We stopped nearby a roadside cafe. I don't remember if I didn't feel hungry, or I ate very quickly.
  Our car was in a makeshift parking lot next to the cafe.
  I started my walks next to the car in which we arrived.
  There was no one in the cafe, except for my companions (including the driver).
  Oddly enough, about five minutes after the start of my walks next to our car, a strange car stopped nearby.
  There was enough space around, but the car that arrived parked as close as possible to ours.
  I don't remember the details now, but some movement of people, who arrived, next to their own and next to our car began.
  I tried to keep our car continuously in sight.
  About five minutes before my companions left the cafe, a strange car left in an unknown direction.
  My companions came out after a pleasant thirty minutes in the café. We continued on our way. There was an hour of professional worries ahead, but the driver was (remained) in the car.
  We returned without problems.
  On the "second" trip, although I was a passenger, I exercised a caution that seemed to me expedient.
  The 'third' trip was remembered by me in connection with a short-term acquaintance with a person who to this day evokes a sense of respect in me.
  There were two of us in the car. My companion was not a professional driver. But for some reason he was at place of a driver, and he had to operate the car - in both directions (of our trip).
  What could I say to this person I didn't know? There was no way to refrain from any of the three trips mentioned here ...
  Our trip began with some conversations that quickly died out.
  My companion sensed my mood.
  Halfway through, he stopped the car, lifted the hood, and looked at something in the engine compartment.
  Then he stopped the car next to a special roadside structure (flyover). If desired, passing motorists could drive their car onto this structure (on the elevation) and to inspect the bottom of their vehicle from below. He examined the bottom.
  On the way back, my companion discovered that our car was completely out of order.
  My companion waved to passing trucks. One of the trucks took us "on the hook" (like a trailer) and we drove to Rostov with a breeze.
  I remember how suddenly our mood changed after starting the trip "on the hook" (like a trailer).
  There was some sudden relief, there was some kind of aura of insouciance, we laughed all the way and told funny stories to each other.
  I never met this man again, but I still remember him with respect.
  What is the paradox of caution?
  As long as nothing happened, then there is nothing to talk about.
  And if something happens - due to the lack of proper caution - then everyone around them falls into a philosophical mood.
  The paradox of caution is especially noticeable when someone tries to be careful, and others show a reaction like: 'what are you doing?' 'What is there to be afraid of?.." And so on, in the same style.
  Before the incident, they discourage, confuse, and after the incident, they shrug, make a thoughtful face, pretend to be philosophers, do not accept guilt and responsibility for the incident that has arisen, evade significant, noticeable assistance (if such is possible and appropriate), distance themselves from the incident and from the problem.
  The paradox of caution lies in the fact that in most cases it is not clear whether it was necessary - if the caution was (really) demonstrated, - and if (respectively) nothing was happened of the bad ...
  August 21, 2022 19:53
  Translation from Russian into English: August 21, 2022 21:38.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Парадокс осторожности. Рассказ из практики участия в судебных спорах'.
  { 3139. Парадокс осторожности. Рассказ из практики участия в судебных спорах.
  MMMCX. The paradox of a precaution. A story from the practice of participating in litigation.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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