Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Short Story of Great Busy. Series 2

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    The Short Story of Great Busy. Series 2

  The Short Story of Great Busy. Series 2
  There is a Colonel Tchernetzov. And towards to him - the famous cultural, political figure. Nearby - the 'doctor of pedagogical sciences'.
  "Should they be distracted?" - Tchernetzov has thought. Nevertheless he has decided to address:
  - I am Tchernetzov. You don't need to introduce yourself. Everyone knows you.
  The persons were not in mood to talk with Tchernetzov.
  Tchernetzov decided to continue a conversation after all:
  - About a monument personally to me, Tchernetzov, the scandal happened ... But the history not in me only...
  Met (ex) politicians were deepened in their thoughts.
  - There is an expression: "Ivan, the own kinship is not remembering," - Tchernetzov continued. - But about you can't say that. Your biographies are widely known... Mentions of Don, probably, did not spoil your biographies?... Perhaps, even some advantage was?...
  The famous cultural, political figure looked at Tchernetzov and told:
  - Vasily Mikhaylovich, I was very busy.
  The 'doctor of pedagogical sciences' reported:
  - A subject, you understand, relevant: "Theoretical and organizational and pedagogical bases of a system of socialization of the studying youth". The community "Dissernet" was interested in...
  Tchernetzov silently looked at them, - "unwilling to talk", - nodded politely, and went further.
  Also the cultural figure and the 'doctor of pedagogical sciences' has continued their ways.
  November 14, 2018 01:29
  Translation from Russian into English: November 14, 2018 01:55.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о большой занятости. Серия 2'.
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