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The Sketch about the day of pleasure with a payment receipt

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Sketch about the day of pleasure with a payment receipt

  The Sketch about the day of pleasure with a payment receipt
  Sergey Sergeyevich was very serious.
  He's a subscriber. That is - the consumer.
  He even has a receipt! Every month bring!
  But in the payment receipt there is mention of the necessity of checking the counter [meter, measuring device]. Up to the cherished date was three weeks. If not to carry out verification, so they or will transfer him to the payment according to the standard, or, in General, will cease to recognize him as the subscriber and the consumer.
  Now they care for consumers. In receipts phone numbers are specified. And not a one number, and - whole three.
  It is time to ask to carry out checking of the counter! Sergey Sergeyevich began phoning phone numbers from a payment receipt. Nobody picked up the phone. Several hours passed. Still nobody on any of numbers took a handset.
  Sergey Sergeyevich was slightly taken aback and went for the help to neighbors. The neighbors were knowledgeable people. They gave to Sergey Sergeyevich a phone number of some Petya. Sergey Sergeyevich with relief sighed.
  He returned home and dialed Petya's number.
  Petya explained that he is on vacation, and said to Sergey Sergeyevich a Borya's number.
  Borya took an interest in model of the counter and explained that the counter needs to be changed. It is necessary to pay both the cost of the counter, and the service in installation and, maybe, a something else.
  Sergey Sergeyevich was surprised. He has an act of last check. There it is not told about need of replacement. There it is told about need of the next checking!
  Borya hung up.
  It is very nice to be a consumer. And to be a subscriber. The receipt contains information about the points of personal reception of subscribers.
  Sergey Sergeyevich, at last, went to such a point of personal reception.
  It was necessary to wait a little. But a moment approached, at last. The employee of point is ready to listen to Sergey Sergeyevich.
  A meter check?
  One of employees shifted some sheet of paper. It seemed to Sergey Sergeyevich that at her on a table the book "The Plato's dialogues" lies. He, probably, have imagined it.
  "And these models of counters what, are still they could to be calibrated?" - one employee addressed another. Another reflected philosophically, trying to develop new knowledge.
  When Sergey Sergeyevich absolutely was tired to wait, one of employees suddenly gave him some phone number and explained that it is necessary to call on this number.
  Sergey Sergeyevich joyfully left point and went home.
  There he began to call by a phone number, received in the point of personal reception of subscribers. Nobody took the call.
  Unpleasant thoughts began to visit Sergey Sergeyevich: "If they will transfer me from the counter onto the standard, I will pay several times more every month". "But if to change the counter, then too it is necessary to pay much ...".
  "They read Plato...'
  Instead of positive determination came the desire to have a rest a little.
  The day of pleasures was completing ...
  February 6, 2019 18:58
  Translation from Russian into English: February 7, 2019 05:20.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о дне наслаждений с квитанцией'.
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