Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Sketch about the morning sufferings of the radio editor

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    The Sketch about the morning sufferings of the radio editor

  The Sketch about the morning sufferings of the radio editor
  The editor of news programs opened the fresh document.
  "21 December 2018
  OSCE Rapporteur"s Report under the Moscow Mechanism..." "by Professor Dr. Wolfgang Benedek"
  "Well... " " Quickly look through the text..."
  "A. Types of Violations: arbitrary and unlawful arrests and detention,
  harassment and torture, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions
  C. Actors Affected: Human Rights Defenders, Lawyers, CSOs, Independent
  On 1 November 2018 the Moscow Mechanism of the human dimension of OSCE has been
  invoked by 16 participating States with regard to the Russian Federation...
  ... the shrinking space for human rights defenders and the media.
  Recommendations to the Chechen Republic...
  14. Make sure that human rights defenders and their organizations and the media can work
  without harassment and bring those to justice which are responsible for the attacks on
  human rights defenders, human rights organizations and the media...
  "Everybody is equal before the law and court in the Russian Federation."
  Close observers like Philip Leach see a lack of any significant political will to improve the situation but put their hope on the continuous work of international institutions like the Court of the Council of Europe...".
  The editor absently lightly tapped his fingers on the table.
  Time of release in air of the next program of news approached.
  Editor assembled staff for a few minutes. To the announcer - for the reading in a microphone - the text of the next news departed.
  A moment... And the announcer buzzed: "Yellow vests ... Yellow vests ..."
  The announcer passed to a weather forecast.
  The editor sadly sighed: "It is good in France ..." "But what to do?..."
  December 22, 2018 12:24
  Translation from Russian into English: December 22, 2018 12:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч об утренних страданиях радио редактора".
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