Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Sketch about the morning sufferings of the radio editor in connection with an appearance of the miracle reservoir

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    The Sketch about the morning sufferings of the radio editor in connection with an appearance of the miracle reservoir

  The Sketch about the morning sufferings of the radio editor in connection with an appearance of the miracle reservoir
  Radio editor began day with a hot topic. "The country suddenly became competent - thanks to Maxim Gorky, and all of us learned a physics. If liquid continuously comes into any capacity of limited volume, then - what will occur?..."
  "Effective employees of media prepare for events in advance. Why not to write the project of information material? This project can be shown to the chief".
  Radio editor quickly typed the text:
  "After overflow (options are possible) the wonderful reservoir which arose in connection with emergence on the river of a dam of natural origin, the local population felt discomfort (options are possible). The current situation once again puts on the agenda the issue of cancelling the elections of high-ranking officials in the regions".
  Having taken a leaf with the text, the editor went to the chief.
  The chief was extremely busy. But the corner of his eye caught the text brought by the editor.
  The editor noticed the shadow which ran along the chief's face.
  The chief, meanwhile, extremely distinctly said in one of a phone receivers: "Democratic liberals deserve appreciation for their patriotic positions". At these words the chief attentively looked at the editor.
  The editor lowered his head.
  Five more phones rang. The chief gracefully returned a leaf with the text to the editor: "A little later ...".
  Editor sadly left the office of the chief, having gripped a leaf with the text.
  December 26, 2018 10:42
  Translation from Russian into English: December 26, 2018 11:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч об утренних страданиях радио редактора в связи с чудо-водохранилищем'.
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