Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Sketch about the so-called renaming

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Sketch about the so-called renaming

  The Sketch about the so-called renaming
  Story about so-called renaming of the airports personally at me created and creates feeling of awkwardness.
  I will express the personal opinion, in view of the existing opportunities and limits of freedom of speech.
  What is the airport?
  Look at history of Rostov - on - Don airport. Long time one airport worked.
  The decision was at some point made, and the new airport was created.
  In the territory of the former airport the decision to construct some objects is made.
  What do these events testify to?
  Anyway, the airport - from area of a temporary, of a changeable, close to our everyday life.
  Characters of so-called renaming took what does not belong to them. They used the names belonging to eternity.
  To begin new vanity around the made - it means to increase the volume of that tactlessness which is already made.
  Conclusion is simple. So-called renaming is subject to quiet full and single [sudden] cancellation (under some plausible excuse).
  In contrast to the perfect tactlessness a tact can be demonstrated - this so-called renaming can be cancelled quickly, without unnecessary delays.
  What is fast, quickly? (What means "fast', "quickly"?) - Tomorrow, after tomorrow, within a month...
  June 1, 2019 20:14
  Translation from Russian into English: June 1, 2019 20:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о так называемом переименовании".
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