Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Sketch about the sufferings of the count Nesselrode

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    The Sketch about the sufferings of the count Nesselrode

  The Sketch about the sufferings of the count Nesselrode
  The count Nesselrode was making a text of a regular report to the Emperor on the international situation.
  News: "Leaders of the EU approved the agreement on Brexit". Donald Tusk: "27 European Union countries approved the agreement on an exit and the political declaration on future relations between the EU and Great Britain".
  The count Nesselrode sadly sighed: "How the words flowed in a semi-formal format... How much barked radio pugs..."
  "What to write in the report???"
  Eventually, nobody forbids to enter in the text of next report the heading from news: "Leaders of the EU approved the agreement on Brexit". The count took the handle and rewrote a phrase into the report.
  But what to write further?!
  Willy-nilly it was necessary to get from the safe "The Tale about Metternich".
  Any intellectual product can be transformed.
  The count read: "The political map is changing. Europe stays!". So ... we rewrite ...
  Here and the report is ready. The count undersigned. He sealed the report in an envelope and sent it with a courier to the Emperor.
  The count thought that he heard the voice of Prince Metternich: "What two-three centuries mean in the annals of history?"
  The count sighed the second time:
  "The theses about "the all-European culture", about "the European community" with reference to a boundary 1400 - 1500 years can to someone to seem hypothetical".
  The count Nesselrode turned on radio. Radio pugs continued to announce a dog nonsense persistently: "Why Europe did not become unified?!"
  The count sighed the third time and switched off the radio receiver.
  November 25, 2018 15:10
  Translation from Russian into English: November 25, 2018 15:42.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о страданиях графа Нессельроде".
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