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The Story about Mona Lisa's smile

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    The Story about Mona Lisa's smile

  The Story about Mona Lisa's smile
  Two representatives of an ancient noble European family decided to admire the painting "Mona Lisa".
  There are they down the street and see: a foreign embassy.
  Some posters hang, people walk in multi-colored dresses, start up balloons, bass drums hoot - like the African Tam-Tams.
  The kind person approaches relatives. He says:
  - Dear representatives of ancient and cultural Europe! You probably know the great dates!
  - I know that about 500 years ago Columbus discovered America!
  - And I am proud of the Foundation, establishing of the city of Vladivostok on the Pacific ocean!
  - In the second week of June is celebrated the great feast!
  - Very good! We're being benevolent.
  - We suggest you to taste a small pies - they for a wide range of fans of culture are made - according to the program of advance of national cinema in other countries. Pies - a national dish. They even got into the national history - for some reason!
  Representatives of a family of great antiquity seek to behave friendly.
  They took a small pies, taste, eat.
  The polite person "improves porridge by oil":
  - Very much we have good cultural programs. From the budget are financed!
  Relatives felt a pleasure.
  - It means, - we are treated by ordinary people. They at first pay taxes, then through the representatives approve cultural programs and the budget, and as a result we eat a small pies?
  - Generally - it is correct. Though our organizations collect - under compulsion - by 150 thousand from not conscious - that they treated a holiday better.
  This explanation not really was pleasant to lovers of a small pies, but as polite people, they decided not to attach to these words significance.
  Pies are not completely eaten, and it is necessary to support a conversation.
  - What are the pies made of?
  - Pies according to the program of support of cinema... pies... from "bad comedians"... such figures... close to a movie-activity...
  - Very tasty.
  - We hope to see you as often as possible. Your approval of our pies - for us very valuable.
  - Yes...
  - Will not you object if we on the basis of our today's meeting carry out a pitching?.
  - Pitching?
  - There is a film studio - it is supported by our cultural department - is called "Dances with the meat grinder". Specializes in hot and spicy dishes...
  - We love Italian food...
  - Very well... Good day... Thank you for contributing to our great culture ...
  - Good day. Thank you so much for the treat.
  Representatives of an ancient noble European family come to art gallery. Before them the portrait, the painting "Mona Lisa":
  - The wonderful smile of the Mona Lisa!
  - Yes!...
  June 14, 2019 13:01
  Translation from Russian into English: June 14, 2019 13:37.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об улыбке Моны Лизы".
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