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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the middle of day on February 1, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the middle of day on February 1, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the middle of day on February 1, 2019
  1) Information on works on elimination of a natural dam on the Bureya River.
  "The military personnel of Russian Armed Forces restored the natural course of the Bureya River in Khabarovsk Krai
  Konstantin Hudoleev
  07:15 01.02.2019...
  Today the military personnel completed the first stage of undermining the rocky masses which divided the Bureya Reservoir into two pools. This was reported by Deputy defense Minister Hero of Russia, army General Dmitry Bulgakov during a trip to the place of events.
  "We executed an order of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the tasks set by the Minister of Defence general Sergey Shoygu. Two artificially divided reservoirs on the Bureya hydroelectric power station are united", - told the deputy minister.
  He also noted that as a result of blasting ten tons of TNT on the place of a crossing point between the earlier done channel and the top sheets of water in formed the channel water went.
  Now military men plan to broaden the done canal to width of the initial course. It is planned to be made by February 18.
  Since the beginning of works military engineers did as an explosive way to a channel more than 160 meters long and 35 meters wide. The depth of the done channel for the water of the Bureya River - more than 19 meters. In total since the beginning of a demolition work on Bureya more than 200 tons of TNT are used and the 440th is undermined cumulative a charge ..." []
  "Military created the channel in the collapse on the Bureya River
  KHABAROVSK, 1 Feb - RIA Novosti...
  Today there took place already the fifth series of explosions. Military engineers applied ten tons of TNT.
  This time they managed to destroy a crossing point [to destroy the wall] between the done channel and the top sheets of water, and in the formed channel a water went ...
  According to the Deputy Minister of Defence Dmitry Bulgakov, the estimated flow of water in a channel is 200-250 cubic meters per second. The first stage of works is completed, the second stage is planned to complete by February 18." []
  ... "To date, more than 200 tons of TNT, more than 12 km of a bikfordov cord are spent. Besides a number of the accompanying tasks is executed. The field way from the village of Ushman to the place of collapse of rocky breeds with a total length more than 80 kilometers is paved. Also locals will be able to use this road now" - the deputy minister emphasized ... The depth of the done channel for the water of the Bureya River - is more than 19 meters...
  ... To the territory of the camp by the army helicopters and divisions of material support [logistics units] delivered more than 200 tons of explosive and about 450 cumulative charges..." []
  2) Additional information
  "Today, 12:57
  Probability of resettlement of the settlement of Chekunda of Verkhnebureinsky district of Khabarovsk Krai is very high as, despite the blasting work on the river Bureya, flooding threatens in any case, the correspondent said the head of Verkhnebureinsky district Alexey Maslov ...
  For this reason, according to the head of the district, it is better to settle people at once, but not to wait for any critical changes.
  "You see, it is much easier and more convenient to resettle people. There is also another goal - Bureyskaya HPP. It is necessary that it fully functioned, and the settlement [of Chekunda] will appear in a risk zone at any scenario... " - the head of the district explained.
  Also, Alexey Maslov emphasized that so far with conclusions you should not hurry - the main thing is to be ready for any scenario..
  Let's remind that military engineers plan one more series of blastings with a power of 50 tons of TNT on the place of a landslide which divided the bed of the Bureya River in December of last year." []
  3) Associative quote:
  "The flywheel of the huge mechanism ... was untwisted with might and main, and no additional help, no new people and equipment could change or even strengthen anything" [Vladimir Bogomolov. The Moment of Truth (In the August of '44)].
  On February 1, 2019 12:11
  Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2019 12:58. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме днём 1 февраля 2019 г.".
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