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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 1, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 1, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 1, 2019
  1) Information on works on elimination of the natural dam on the Bureya River.
  "A landslide on Bureya: the fifth demolition a layer of rocky breeds...
  On the place of the landslide which blocked the bed of the Bureya River in Verkhnebureinsky district of Khabarovsk Krai, military engineers of the Eastern Military District (EMD) carried out the fifth demolition a layer of rocky breeds with application of the concentrated and extended charges, informs the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.
  Russian Defense Ministry
  ✔ @mod_russia
  #ВВО carried out by #Видео #ВоенныеИнженеры the next undermining the fallen rocky breeds near the Bureya Reservoir with application of the concentrated and extended charges of #Бурея #БурейскоеВодохранилище #ИнженерныеВойска #ЛиквидацияЧС
  16:20 - 31 January. 2019.
  Preparatory work for blasting a crossing point [the remained wall] between the equipped channel and the top level of the river is performed ... Today depth on which entered into the rocky masses which fell in the Bureya River was about 19 meters from initial level, length - about 150 meters, width - 35 meters..." []
  2) Addition to data on the dynamics of the situation on the natural dam, spontaneous reservoir and adjacent territories.
  "Current without inflow
  Why the blockage on Bureya should be liquidated as soon as possible
  Newspaper "Kommersant" Љ18 from 01.02.2019, p. 10
  ... While the reduction in the production of HPPs can replace the TPP of the Far East: the energy supply to consumers will not be interrupted, but the electricity itself will become more expensive because of the cost of coal. To cover these losses, it may be necessary to increase the far Eastern energy subsidies collected from the wholesale energy market in other regions...
  ... The cut-off area of the reservoir is 28% of its useful volume (5.39 cubic km).
  This jeopardized the normal operation of the HPP. The average inflow to the Bureya reservoir since January 1 was 14 cubic meters per second, but this is generally typical for winter. In the Amur basin water management (STB) expect that in February-March the inflow will be 10-20 cubic meters per second, it will begin to grow sharply from the second decade of April (up to 100 cubic meters per second), and by the end of the month it will reach 1 thousand cubic meters per second. The main flood inflow is expected in may.
  ... The ex-director of the technical policy of RusHydro Rasim Haziakhmetov says that the drain of Bureya will remain as above, and below a landslide therefore the hydroelectric power station "will work at side inflow with some loading"." But the difference in water levels above and below the landslide will grow, forming a new reservoir (pond lake): "and then the overflow will begin, the natural inflow to the hydroelectric power station will be restored. Underproduction of the station will be equal to the difference between the production on the natural tributary and the production on the tributary with the filling of the upper reservoir."
  Bureyskaya HPP is the most powerful power station of the far Eastern Federal district (2 GW)...
  According to the" System operator " (CO), hydro generation provides 38.5% of consumption in the United power system (OES) of the East, 17% accounts for the Bureyskaya HPP. The blockage on Bureya already began to change an energy balance in the FEFD: for 28 days of January, the production of the Bureya HPP decreased by 37.8%, to 339.2 million kWh, compared to last year. According to the Ministry of energy, since mid-December, the average daily production of HPP fell by 8 million kWh.
  Part of the load is forced to replace the more expensive thermal generation-TPP in the far Eastern Federal district is additionally loaded by 3.1 million kWh per day, the decrease in production is replaced by the Zeya HPP, its load increased by 1 million kWh per day, the Ministry of energy reported. At the same time, demand is high in winter: consumption in December 2018 amounted to 5.1 billion kWh, 40% more than in June.
  The Ministry of energy and "RusHydro" say that the power supply is in normal mode, there are no risks of violation. The Deputy Chairman of the government of the Khabarovsk territory on the fuel and energy Complex Anatoly Litvinchuk did not Express concern, noting that even a full stop of the Bureyskaya HPP will not create problems for the region. The needs of the economic complex, the social sphere and the population of the region in electricity are provided by TPP DGC, he says, explaining that their capacity exceeds 2.2 GW, which will be enough in the worst case scenario...
  But there is a question of the cost of such substitution - the energy of thermal power plants is more expensive because of the need for coal. When replacing 20% of the production of the Bureyskaya HPP, consumers will have to pay an additional 2.9 billion rubles, with full replacement-about 10.9 billion rubles per year, Mr. Sklyar estimates....
  In addition, a significant share of HPP generation from the OES of the East is exported by inter RAO to China (3.3 billion kWh in 2017). The company "Kommersant" reported that the situation with the Bureyskaya HPP did not affect the contracts, exports did not decline. "We are in constant contact with RusHydro and do not expect any deviations from the planned supply of electricity," inter RAO noted"...
  ... According to sources " Kommersant "in the Ministry of defense, the task of launching the first ducts to February 1 and the second to February 20"no one took off." Geological surveys conducted in a few weeks have shown that the military must use up to 300 tons of explosives to clear. And it is necessary to lay deep into the formation: the ground was caked and try to break through it by dumping ammunition ineffectively, says one of the interlocutors "Kommersant". Engineering units follow the plan, the work will be done and Vladimir Putin will be sent a report, he assured. The costs of the operation are not disclosed, but the military note that they are comparable in size to the costs of local exercises of the engineering troops of the Eastern military district.
  Experts also talk about the technical risks for the Bureya hydroelectric complex in case of delays in the creation of the proran. As it is noted in the minutes of January 23 of the interdepartmental working group on regulation of the mode of reservoirs of the FEFD, there are no formal requirements to the speed of filling of the Bureya Reservoir, but if to liquidate a crossing point at big difference of water levels, it will be filled very quickly that is "an adverse effect on water-engineering system constructions". It will also be difficult to operate the reservoir to a dead volume (minimum water level - 236 m). The working group was also concerned about the possible need to use a spillway dam downstream of the lower Bureya HPP to drain excess water at sub-zero temperatures.
  At the same time officials do not exclude that quickly it will not be possible to liquidate the crossing point [the natural dam] on Bureya. Anatoly Litvinchuk assured that in case of need the authorities will find means for resettlement of Chekunda and Elga... .
  Tatyana Dyatel, Ivan Safronov; Konstantin Groshin, Khabarovsk" [https://www.kommersant. ru/doc/3868985]
  3) Forecasts for a subject about prospects of the decision to "The Bureya problem".
  ""Residues of soil will not be able to resolve in the natural way"
  Alexey Makhinov, head of the Khabarovsk office of RGO, deputy director of Institute of water and environmental problems of the FEB RAS
  Kommersant newspaper No. 18 of 01.02.2019, p. 10
  The deputy head of Institute of water and environmental problems of the FEB RAS Alexey Makhinov tells about the possible causes of a blockage on Bureya.
  - What main version of the reason of collapse of the hill? It is connected with its geological structure, seismic activity or other reasons?
  - No, it is a landslide ordinary - exogenous geological process, however, of very big power. Such in our country there was not so much in recent years.
  The landslide resulted from influence of three factors. The first is a big steepness of the slope cut in this place Bureya even before creation of a reservoir. The second factor - in this area there passes the zone of tectonic jointing [of tectonic fracturing].
  There rocky masses are shattered into small pieces and in spite of the fact that they monolithic, rocky, they are broken by cracks into small fragments therefore stability of such breeds - almost like at friable deposits. And power of this zone rather big.
  The third reason - when the reservoir was created, water level rose almost by 70 m here. Water on cracks and emptiness in breed got into the slope basis, considerably having reduced its stability. Under the influence of these three factors the weight and gravity of the friable shattered deposits on a slope exceeded the force of adhesion of breeds with the thicknesses lying below ...
  - Do scientists monitor such risks in the Far East?
  - Such organization which would conduct monitoring of the similar phenomena as far as I know, we don't have. RAS does not conduct such studies. Some structures like the management of the hydroelectric dam ... I think they are more interested in other things, such as the amount of water, the arrival, the consumption. And regarding these phenomena - no one could have imagined that in conditions of lowland, they can occur. This applies not only to the Bureyskaya HPP, but also to the Zeya, and reservoirs of Siberian stations (located in the mountainous regions of Krasnoyarsk, Sayano-Shushenskaya) - landslides can also occur there.
  - What scenarios of succession of events on Bureya can be? Whether the landslide lake can break through a dam?
  - No, he probably won't. Similar phenomena were on the geyser river in Kamchatka (2007, the water broke through the dam only partially.- "Kommersant"), the well-known ancient lakes in many valleys of the rivers, where such landslides have formed large lake and the water was partially leaked through the body of dam, partially flowed, but in most cases, to destroy such a dam, the water can not. In the Pamirs in 1911 there was a much more powerful landslide than we have now, and formed the famous Sarez lake with a depth of over 300 m, the pearl of those places. It has existed for more than 100 years, and no forces helped it to break through.
  - And what will be from the jam remains? It can resolve in the natural way?
  - Remains of soil in a natural way to dissolve can't, because it's not the bed of the river, water will take out only small fragments. There depth of 70 m, currents is almost not present.
  Interview took Ernest Filippovsky, Khabarovsk " []
  4) Additional information
  "The Amur deputies at meetings in New Bureya were interested in informing inhabitants
  At the working meetings of the Chairman of Committee of legislative Assembly on agrarian policy, natural resources and environment Irina Kiev with members of the district Council of people's deputies, heads of the settlements at the Bureya district, which took place on 30 January in the settlement Novobureyskiy discussed ways of improving the legislation and information work with the population...
  Acquaintance on the place with the situation caused by a landslide on the Bureya River, safety of residents of nearby settlements became one more important purpose of visit. During the meeting with the head of the district Andrey Litvinov, heads of settlements, representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a minleskhoz of area and the Bureya hydroelectric power station Irina Kiyevskaya was interested in a question of appropriate and timely informing residents of the area of the developing situation. In order to avoid idle talks, speculation on social networks Irina Aleksandrovna suggested to work more densely with local media and to regularly hold meetings with the population ..." []
  "Question price
  The partner of practice Vygon Consulting "Power industry" Alexey Zhikharev - about a situation in East OES
  Kommersant newspaper No. 18 of 01.02.2019, p. 10
  ... Thermal generation in the FEFD is seriously worn-out: average age of thermal power plant is 36 years here that is four years more, than in other Russia. Against the background of outdated thermal power plants hydrogeneration looks rather young - more than a half of capacities is younger than 20 years.
  But on electricity consumption growth the economy of the FEFD favourably differs from other Russia. ... The growth rate of demand for energy in ten years on average in the region was 20%, and in separate subjects, such as the Amur region and Sakhalin, to 50%. For comparison: in other Russia during this time consumption grew by only 6%.
  ... Power buildings are more expensive than analogs in other regions of the Russian Federation here - CAPEX of the Far East gas thermal power plants reaches 145 thousand rubles for 1 kW against 50 thousand rubles, and CAPEX of coal Sakhalin GRES-2 - 245 thousand rubles for 1 kW. It inevitably affects prime cost of the electric power ...
  ... Not to mention its development, local power engineering specialists have no tariff and other instruments of financing of operability of power supply system.
  Until July 1, a decision should be made on the sources of financing for the modernization of the far Eastern thermal power plants. "RusHydro" initiated projects for 1.4 GW with capital investments of more than 150 billion rubles. If the costs are not provided for in the Federal budget, the investments will be reflected in the growth of payments of consumers of price zones of the wholesale market by more than 30 billion rubles annually.
  Alexey Zhikharev, partner of practice Vygon Consulting "Power industry"" []
  "15 January, 2019. ... Loading of the Bureya hydroelectric power station in the last 7 years made 35% ... In the Far East there is a surplus of 40% in size from all power of power supply system ...
  ... Despite the power lines stretched to China and dumping prices for neighbors, sale of "excess" energy goes inertly as in the Province of Heilongjiang the surplus of power capacities reaches 140%. China is not going to increase in the near future import of the electric power, it for steady growth has enough sun and wind ...
  Evgeny Simonov is an ecologist, the international coordinator of The Rivers without Borders coalition
  The opinions expressed in the heading "Blogs" can not reflect the point of view of edition ...
  The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation entered PCE/PC corporation and some of its projects in the register of the foreign mass media declared "foreign agents". PCE/PC is not "agent" of any of the governments and considers this decision unfair and legally disputable. Details here ..."
   [] []
  "Germany completely will refuse coal by 2038 23:17, 31.01.2019 94 UPD: 23:54, 31.01.2019
  In Germany by the end of 2038 plan to refuse completely coal, Habar 24" reports ".
  Now 40% of electricity in the European state is produced from this fossil.
  But Germans intend to stop, step by step, use of coal stations and by that to reduce the level of emissions in the atmosphere.
  Members of the government commission where scientists, heads of the enterprises, labor unions and ecologists enter voted for such decision.
  Federal lands in which extract coal will have to receive subsidies. It is about 40 billion euros which in plans to pay within 20 years. Now the program has to be approved in the government. Having refused coal, Germany wants to receive energy at the expense of alternative sources. Let's remind, a month ago in Germany closed the last coal mine...
  Konstantin Tserger, head of department of power and protection of climate of Deutsche Umwelthilfe: - ... Our task - to close coal power plants which harm ecology. Coal regions of Germany have to begin to change, they have to become pilot regions in which my economic model will be tested and the emphasis on alternative energy sources will be placed." []
  5) New (/interesting/curious/) terms on a subject.
  "Zone of tectonic jointing" of [https://www.kommersant. ru/doc/3867805]
  "Landslide lake" of [https://www.kommersant. ru/doc/3867805]
  "Podprudny lake" of [https://www.kommersant. ru/doc/3868985]
  6) An overlappings of the rivers, a dams. Russia, world. History, news, forecasts.
  "The death toll as a result of break of a dam in Brazil increased up to 110
  07:17, 01.02.2019 29 UPD: 07:11, 01.02.2019 ... In Brazil in the State of Minas Gerais, according to the latest data, as a result of break of the dam belonging to mining company 110 people died. Informs Globo with reference to local authorities on it. It is noted that 238 more people are considered as missing persons..." []
  February 1, 2019 06:03
  Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2019 07:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме утром 1 февраля 2019 г.".
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