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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on February 15, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on February 15, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on February 15, 2019
  1) Additional information
  The Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
  (The Ministry Of Defence)
  14.02.2009 (05: 00)
  The military specialists who took part in clearing the riverbed of the Bureya river began to return to the points of permanent deployment.
  The consolidated detachment of military engineers of the Eastern military district has already been relocated to Khabarovsk. The medical team, calculations of unmanned aerial vehicles also have already returned home.
  Ammunition and explosives were removed from the work area.
  Divisions of MTO carry out works on turning of the field camp. The camp is equipped with diesel generators, means of communication are deployed, helipads, points of food and the vacation spot, bakery and a small-sized shower complex were equipped.
  By the Mi-8 and Mi-26 helicopters of army aircraft it is transported property and appliances.
  Forces of Engineering troops, MTO units and aerospace forces with strict observance of security measures carried out a unique operation to restore the normal hydrological regime of the Bureya reservoir and the regular mode of operation of the Bureya HPP in a short time.
  It is planned that on February 23 all military personnel participating in works on restoration of the normal hydrological mode of the Bureysky reservoir will meet at home in a circle of the family.
  About 500 people, 43 units of military and special equipment, including six helicopters of army aviation, the unmanned aerial vehicle "Orlan-10", and also snowmobiles were involved in performance of tasks.
  December 11, 2018 there was a collapse of the rock mass in the Bureya reservoir. On behalf of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin for clearing of the channel and carrying out drilling and blasting works for restoration of the normal hydrological mode of the Bureysky reservoir forces and means of the Ministry of defence of Russia are involved.
  Department of information and mass communications
  Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation" []
  Way home: in Khabarovsk met liquidators of a blockage on Bureya
  Pavel Nastin
  10: 25 14.02.2009
  250 soldiers from the integrated unit are returning to their places of permanent deployment.
  ... 250 soldiers from the combined detachment-engineers, doctors, operators of unmanned vehicles "Orlan" - are returning to their units [in In Khabarovsk and other points of dislocation].
  They were taken to the places of permanent deployment by helicopters. With a experts took away the equipment and ammunition, which remained after clearing the blockage. In the taiga, the military spent almost a month. They worked in extremely difficult conditions. But with the elimination of the landslide on the river Bureya coped ahead of schedule.
  "Earlier we just did not meet such difficulties. Therefore decisions had to be made directly on the place. A large amount of explosives was for this purpose applied. In order to make and launch the water flow, to achieve capacity. At the moment, it reaches 1900 cubic meters per second, "Deputy commander of a separate engineering brigade Alexander Pervushov told the Zvezda ..." []
  2) An overlapping rivers. A dams. A meteorites. General problems of water and energy resources. Russia, world. History, news, forecasts.
  14 February 2019
  At the "Rostov sea" [the local reservoir] the high hazard class is appropriated to a dam
  In the event of a breakthrough, more than 400 houses will be flooded
  The dam, built on the "Rostov sea", is in a pre-emergency condition. She gave a crack with a length of almost two meters and a depth of 8 inches, according to acting Director of "Rostovmelivodhoz" Vladimir Nazarenko.
  - This is a ground dam, which during construction in 1971 was not designed for large road traffic. We have carried out sanitation, keeping the situation under control, - reported Vladimir Nazarenko.
  The dam was assigned a second (high) hazard class. Every month in the "Rostov sea" divers are immersed, who monitor the changes of the dam. According to Vladimir Nazarenko, there is no danger of a leak. But if an emergency does happen, the losses could amount to 3 billion rubles.
  However, the head of the Pervomaisky district of Rostov[-on-Don] Arthur Grigoryan was completely different data.
  - I asked the EMERCOM staff to conduct exercises so that people know how to behave in case of flooding. The first blow of water will fall on 440 houses, which will be flooded in the first hour of the dam breakthrough. I spoke to the divers myself. They said that the crack grows on 1 millimeter every three months, - Arthur Grigoryan told.
  But how to solve the problem is still unclear. The fact that the dam belongs to the Ministry of agriculture. However, Federal funding for it is no longer allocated, because it has ceased to be the core property. The management Rostovmelivodkhoz appealed to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to transfer an object from federal property to the region. So far, as Vladimir Nazarenko told, Rostovmelivodkhoz has the right to lower water to a minimum and not to allow movement along the road passing through a dam.
  Let's remind that driving through a dam is forbidden since December 3 according to the decision of the Aksay district court of the Rostov region which decided to close moving through the "Rostov sea" reservoir because the prosecutor's office considered this bridge unreliable. At the end of the year, residents of Platovsky [district of urban development "behind" the dam] and nearby horticultural associations staged a rally, demanding to build a new road instead of a closed passage through the dam. On what officials answered that it is impossible to construct the new road: the land nearby belongs to city woods.
  Angeliya Erben [Ангелия Эрбен]" []
  The comment.
  The mention of city [urban] forests ... Somehow groves, city forests are "disturbing" ... ("Well, why they are not divided into a land plots, and in these plots did not appear the owners and buildings?!.." Only squirrels jumping, birds flying, and citizens are walking and running for fitness).
  In the old days from the city center some shopping facilities were forced to"leave". City forests were "used" ...
  Now they try to think by analogy?
  Actually, strange ... Someone from "simple" inhabitants could be alarmed by plans to build the whole residential district in those places, to where many get through a narrow dam (dams) ... Professionals were not alarmed? Then there were huge traffic jams... Now the next stage - "closed passage".
  "In case of a breakthrough, more than 400 houses will be flooded!"
  It's a quite strange ... some non-specialists may think: why "potentially dangerous area" "behind" the dam, vulnerable to flooding, was not withdrawn from circulation? Why was it allowed to build? So it's - non-specialists ... can think and to ask such questions ...
  With the dam, too, as something strange. It's not just a dam. This is a kind of shore of the reservoir ["Rostov sea"].
  Once on the banks of this reservoir was relatively sparsely populated and relatively spacious.
  In General, for the "common people" - a suburban (but affordable) place for recreation, swimming and amateur sports.
  Now in many places, where there were roads and paths, lawns, grass and green bushes - something is being built.
  In principle, it is possible "to strain", somehow to bypass ...
  But, again, someone may have a paradoxical question: it was a convenient place to stay "common people". Why is this area for rest and sport should not be expanded, but narrowed (due to the formation of more and more new land plots, which are transferred to someone and then built up)?
  But, if to reflect according to ancient philosophical wisdom, in this world nothing is eternal...
  Probably, opportunities of formation of new land plots at the expense of public places of rest have dried up? (This is hypothesis).
  A new stage in the development of events - a crack in the dam. (The dam was built in the 70s of the 20th century of concrete (at least-partially). And those "simple" citizens, fishermen, who fished from it, or those, who walked on it (on dam), could see in the concrete slabs and between them some cracks).
  So, it"s the new stage. The crack in the dam. All on algorithm. Anxiety for people. Concern. Will soon be followed by undertakings, plans... People are waiting! They're worried! Their rights and interests are infringed!
  So, the dam is observed, but a problem - (ve-e-ery) difficult. The crack widens. Divers dive. (Yes... In the world... little dams. And in these dams - a little of cracks. Also there is no wide-known experts, there is no experience of repair of dams ...)
  And what as a result? The reservoir and (or) city forests should "to know" something? You understand ...
  So after all "investments"! They're very useful. Not necessarily in the repair of the dam. But-in construction...
  In General, a good place for building ...(please listen carefully: "in the meantime, as Vladimir Nazarenko said, "Rostovmelivodhoz" has the right to lower the water to a minimum ...").
  Also will be a space where the road to pave, and - where a land plots to create, and - to whom to transfer these land plots ... (But all this is only a hypothesis ...).
  Well, for the "common people", who had a spacious place for recreation, swimming, fishing, amateur sports - for "ordinary" citizens near the roadway will create the soccer field fenced with a grid ...
  So after all - care of people, anxiety and in General...
  February 15, 2019 04:26
  Translation from Russian into English: February 15, 2019 05:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 15 февраля 2019 г.".
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