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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on February 9, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on February 9, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on February 9, 2019
  1) Forecasts for a subject about prospects of the decision to "The Bureya problem".
  Writes LiveJournal of Vladimir Prokhvatilov (vvprohvatilov)
  2018-12-27 14:26:00
  Mystery of the Bureya meteorite (author's version)
  On December 21 two young hunters, Alexander Markanov and Anatoly Ivanov, left on snowmobiles on hunting to Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk region. In 70 kilometers from the settlement of Chekunda, in the deserted area, they found out that the top of one of hills is demolished, and the bed of the Bureya River is completely blocked by a huge heap of stones, the soil and trees. The bed of the tributary of the Amur River ... was blocked on 700 m in length, up to 160 m in height and 400 m in width ...
  ... To sort or blow up the blockage to free the riverbed of the Bureya River it is technically impossible.
  Alexey Maslov draws two scenarios of further succession of events: "According to the optimistic scenario - the event can attract tourists. And in a pessimistic scenario, we, on the one hand, lose the flow of water for the Bureyskaya HPP, which will affect the quality of its work, and on the other hand, upstream we will have flooding. Places are inaccessible, the big equipment will not reach there and if reaches, then work will be connected with very big risks".
  Experts do not exclude a flooding of the village of Chekunda, but hope that sooner or later water in Bureya will rise higher than the level of the blockage and will renew the course to hydroelectric power station. If to consider blockage height, it will have to wait quite a long time.
  Anyway, inflow of tourists to the place of the Bureya blockage is guaranteed.
  Vladimir Prokhvatilov, president of Academy of real policy, expert of Academy of military sciences ..." []
  2) An overlappings of the rivers. A dams. A meteorites. The general perspective of a water and power - resources. Russia, world. History, news, forecasts.
  "Generally experts are sure that the condition of a blockage causes the increasing alarm every year. And the only decision which they see today and which will give security guarantees for the people living in the basin of the rivers Pyandzh and Amu Darya - abatement of the water level in the [Sarez] lake is 100 - 150 meters lower than the existing mark ...
  ... To do this, you need to lower the water horizon by about 100, or better - by 150 meters due to filtration through the body of the blockage.
  And to stop the main flow of water into the lake during the drawdown [decreasing] of the water level, it is necessary to allocate the Murghab River to the Kakuybey River on a 30-kilometer tunnel, having intercepted its course a dam around confluence of the river with the lake.
  In addition, it is necessary to use the lowland which is below the Usoysky blockage on the river Bartang. It, according to experts, will be able to assume [accept] almost the entire volume of the catastrophic flood, if there is a breakthrough blockage. There it will only be necessary to construct - in about 60 km below the blockage - a dam for protection from a mudflow. It will be a kind of trap to intercept a possible catastrophic wave of breakthrough from the lake.
  The upper BEF of this dam should be able to take about 7 cubic kilometers of water. In its downstream, it is possible to build a hydroelectric power station.
  ... Along with this you will need to build a hydroelectric power plant downstream of the Usoysky dam, which will develop the electric power, passing the Sarez water via the turbines.
  ... Experts consider that after performance of antifiltrational actions the net volume of a reservoir into which the lake will turn will be quite considerable - 7-8 billion cubic meters. And it is almost twice more, than on Nureksky hydroelectric power station!
  ... The Republic of [Tajikistan] alone will not be able to start work to prevent a catastrophe. In their opinion, it is necessary to involve neighboring States... "[]
  "...In 2000, the governments of four interested countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - appealed to the world community to provide intellectual and financial support in solving the problem of the Sarez lake. In the same year, an international project called "Sarez lake: a risk reduction project"was launched under the management of the World Bank.
  ... At the end of November, 2003 in Dushanbe there took place the international scientific and practical conference at which options of actions for risk reduction were considered, connected with the Sarez Lake. The ministry of emergency and civil defense of Tajikistan invited to a meeting of the Kazakhstan scientists whose experience in area of studying of natural disasters is highly appreciated in the scientific world very much.
  Several options were offered ...
  Proposals of domestic and foreign experts are commented by the chief researcher of KAZNIIMOS, the doctor of geographical sciences, professor Boris STEPANOV presenting Kazakhstan at a forum to Dushanbe:
  - The offered options still should be discussed. However already now it is obvious that they - finance-intensive also assume only temporary solution of a problem. We offered a way which not only will remove a dangerous situation, but also compensates a part of expenses!.
  Initially, a hydroelectric power station is being built in the lower part of the dam. The mechanical energy of the water in this case will be enough to fivefold cover the costs necessary for pumping of water through a crest before [up, prior] construction of a tunnel!.
  ... The natural reservoir will allow and to receive further the electric power necessary for development of mountainous areas of East Pamir. And even to sell it to Afghanistan!" []
  10:20 28.04.2017 (it is updated 13:43 28.04.2017)
  DUSHANBE, 28 Apr - Sputnik, Maria Sheludyakova. Tension in the Afghan provinces adjoining on the countries of Central Asia causes concern, the First Deputy Minister of Defence of Uzbekistan Shavkat Normatov said, speaking at a conference on the international security ..." []
  "16:04 08.02.2019
  DUSHANBE, 8 Feb - Sputnik. Reasonings that representatives of the movement "..." intend to attack the countries of Central Asia cause indignation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov said ..." []
  February 9, 2019 16:41
  Translation from Russian into English: February 9, 2019 19:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 9 февраля 2019 г.".
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