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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 20, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 20, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 20, 2019
  Of greatest interest were:
  1) previously (18.01.2019) the made message about the (possible) Report on a problem of the Bureya anomaly.
  2) possible results of the analysis of trial explosions.
  Information on these questions did not manage to be found.
  Among the appeared messages it is possible to note the following:
  1) About attention to "The Bureya problem".
  "On January 20, 2019, 13:42
  The Amur rescuers went to ensure safety on the Bureya Reservoir
  On Sunday, January 20, Blagoveshchensk. The airmobile group of the Head department of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia in the Amur region went toward the settlement of Talakan. 38 people and 10 pieces of equipment went to ensure safety of the population when carrying out explosive works in the place of location of a descent of rocky masses on the Bureya River.
  As part of the group - firefighters, state inspectors GIMS, employees Of the main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Amur region. Specialists are equipped with everything necessary for Autonomous living in the field in winter. Amur rescuers carry a drone, generators, towers for a lighting, a field kitchen, two snowmobiles and other equipment. The first Deputy head of the main Department of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Amur region Igor Smirnov heads the airmobile group.
  The main objective of experts - to ensure safety of the population and not to allow finding of people on the Bureya Reservoir. Rescuers will be on duty in places of departure and an exit of people to ice. By means of the UAV will reveal the locations of people on ice then will take measures for their evacuation from a reservoir.
  As reported to news Agency, on Saturday, January 19, the TVS-2 aircraft of the Amur air base flew about the territory of the Bureya district. From air saw four locations of fishermen on ice. Rescuers of search and rescue division of the settlement of Talakan of the Amur branch of the Far East regional search and rescue group Emercom of Russia, employees of GIMS and police went, using the Hivus-10 hovercraft, to the places specified by pilots and organized evacuation of people from ice.
  The exit and departure to ice of the Bureya Reservoir is forbidden in connection with carrying out explosive works on the place of a collapse on the Bureya River." [].
  " Today on January 20, Sunday.
  On the eve of explosions in the Bureya rescuers went to Talakan..."
  2) Additional information.
  "JANUARY 20, 2019
  19 JAN, 18:23
  Military men, involved in process of eliminating the consequences of a landslide on the river Bureya, plunged into baptismal font
  The point of the river bank was equipped with a baptismal font and a tent for heating, where everyone could warm up with hot tea
  TASS, January 19. Soldiers of the combined detachment of the engineering unit of the Eastern military district on the site of the landslide in the Khabarovsk territory held a ritual of ablution on the day of the Baptism of the Lord. This was reported in the defense Ministry.
  "The soldiers assigned to work for the elimination of results of a landslide of rocks in the Bureya reservoir, took part in the rite of ablution on the day of the Orthodox feast of the Baptism of the Lord", - stated in the message...
  "Despite a hard frost, was a lot of persons, interested to dawn on himself (to fulfill, to carry out, to make) a sign of the cross, were in ice water ", - emphasized in the Ministry of Defence. In total about 30 servicemen plunged into a baptismal font." []
  3) The "additional" publications (containing essential information on a subject: positions concerning the taking place events) , it was not succeeded to find during the internet requests (a) "the Bureya hydroelectric power station, January, 2019", (b) "RusHydro, January, 2019, the Bureya River".
  Let's hope that the positions of RusHydro and both hydroelectric power stations on the Bureya river (operating and under construction) regarding the events will be available (until 22 January 2019). We will assume that these positions are formulated and published.
  January 20, 2019 19:24
  Translation from Russian into English: 21 January 2019 09:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 20 января 2019 г.".
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