Venezuela: the opposition has made more than 250 attacks on power systems in two years
02.04.2009 18:51 Grigory May
President Nicolas Maduro, in a speech broadcast on 31 March on radio and television, said that the national electricity system (SEN) had been affected by sabotage and "violent attacks", which were carried out in three ways:
the cyber attack on the operations center, the hydroelectric plant of El-ghouri
electromagnetic weapon attack to damage power lines
physical attacks on towers and electrical substations
... the Venezuelan leader has announced a 30-day plan for the full restoration of power supply systems, which he will manage personally.
Let's remind, since March 7 in view of the multiple attacks in Venezuela there were three waves of long blackouts.
the fire on El-Guri's hydroelectric power station in Venezuela, diversion
The Minister of Communications and tourism of Venezuela Jorge Rodriguez also convened the press conference devoted to recent attacks on the National electrical system. According to the official, in the last two years the opposition committed more than 250 assaults on power supply systems, and since March 7 malefactors became more active, having carried out five serious diversions for the current month.
"on March 7, 2019 they stopped energy supply, having carried out cyber attack, and on March 9 when power supply was restored, they carried out the electromagnetic attack" - Rodriguez told.
Besides, "on Monday, March 11, they arranged flash and leak of gas in Barut and El-Atilyo's municipalities (areas in the capital district of Caracas) that led to a delay in restoration of Energoservice". Then on March 25 there was the next electromagnetic attack, and in two days there was a heavy fire.
The minister explained that energy is made by three large power plants. Treat them: The Makagua, Karuachi and the biggest of all hydroelectric power stations in El-Guri who has 20 generators.
"In 100 meters from the block of distribution there is a hill where snipers who made shots towards the construction containing thousands of liters of oil, and the distributive block located below accommodated" - Rodriguez told.
Saboteurs hoped to arrange thus a huge fire and to provoke a blackout for several weeks. As the official explained, firefighters and repairmen for a week worked on restoration of an electric supply.
After eliminating the consequences of electrical sabotage, according to Rodriguez, a new stage of complete reconstruction of SEN will begin.
The Venezuelan government has issued an official statement of its determination to eliminate the consequences of the attacks and to prevent further sabotage. To protect lines and power supply systems are mobilized patrols of the armed forces (FANB).
... Nicolas Maduro...
"I am at the forefront of the restoration work of the national electric system... "" []
2. Translations from Spanish (translations of fragments of Spanish-language articles from Wikipedia).
2.1. "Pages in category "Ministers during the post of President Hugo Chavez'
This category contains the following 61 pages:
Luis Motta Domínguez (Luis Motta Domínguez)
2.2. "Luis Motta Dominguez (...)
20 August 2015-1 April 2019
Nicolas Maduro
The Predecessor Jesse Chacon
The Successor Igor Gavidia
Personal information
Birth 2 July 1958
nationality is a native of Venezuela
Professional information
Occupation Politician and General
Luis Alfredo Motta Dominguez ... is a Venezuelan politician and Minister of energy ... in the period 2015-2019, as well as President of the Electric National Corporation (Corpoelec). (...)
2.3. '(...)
Wikipedia has no page with the exact name "Igor Gavidia".
You can search for pages about "Igor Gavidia"... (...)".
Protesters in Venezuela were fired from a helicopter
Unknown opened fire from a helicopter on protesters in the Venezuelan city of Cabimas, Zulia state. A small Amateur video was published by VPI on Twitter. (...)" []
Utkin suspected Cherchesov of the organization of attack on himself (...)" []
April 3, 2019 20:12
Translation from Russian into English: April 3, 2019 20:43.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об интересе к событиям в Венесуэле 3 апреля 2019 года'.