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The Story of how Sergei Sergeievich felt a confidence in the media leadership of Europe

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    The Story of how Sergei Sergeievich felt a confidence in the media leadership of Europe

  The Story how Sergei Sergeievich felt a confidence in the media leadership of Europe
  Sergei Sergeievich had read several materials about the conference, planned to be held in Great Britain on July 10 - 11, 2019.
  A global conference on press freedom in Great Britain, among organizers - Foreign Office.
  But why in Great Britain?
  Why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acted as one of organizers of holding this conference?
  Sergei Sergeievich was intuitively sure in importance and usefulness of this conference.
  But he was trying to sort out a possible objections.
  There are international human rights intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations!
  There is a powerful American media culture!
  Sergei Sergeievich began to remember up a history.
  The ability of a broad segments of the population to read and write, democratic traditions, relative freedom of an individual appeared in ancient times - in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
  The first signs of "media freedom"appeared in the Ancient world.
  Julius Caesar arranged for a wide distribution (wide circulation) of a Senate records (reports).
  Medieval Europe, first, was a cultural successor of an era of an antiquity, secondly, Christian traditions, for example the Epistles of Paul, directed social thought towards the freedom of media.
  A creation of the printing press (Johannes Gutenberg), emergence of the first news private newspapers (La gazeta dele novità) - these events happened on the territory of Europe.
  (""Bulletin of the Court" which began to appear in China in the 8th century became the first-ever printing newspaper. In it were placed decrees of the emperor and the messages about the major events. Newspapers printed from boards on which cut out hieroglyphs, covered with ink and did prints". Wikipedia.)
  The king Louis XIII, the Cardinal Richelieu wrote for the first newspaper of modern type - "La Gazette" (Théophraste Renaudot).
  Daniel Defoe is considered the founder of political journalism. ("Defoe had an opportunity to be engaged in literature, to print and distribute the works during the conclusion in the Newgate Prison" (Wikipedia)).
  Encyclopaedists directed a social thought towards a freedom of media, again.
  Era of Napoleonic wars. In the situation of all the restrictions, caused by a wartime conditions, in France there were newspapers (let and without freedom), mass media continued to function in Great Britain.
  The time before World War I, probably, it is possible to call the period of success of media and freedom of speech and the press.
  So why Great Britain became the venue?
  The answer is in the history!
  The stability and reliability of media traditions! Traditions of true freedom of speech and press!
  If the European media culture is several thousand years old, the American one is several hundred years old.
  The international organizations defending the freedom of the media may have acted from the beginning of the 20th century. But their activities became visible, - most clearly, - after the Second world war.
  Stability, reliability of traditions give rise to trust, faith, confidence, hope!
  But Sergei Sergeievich feels some doubts, still ...
  And the tragic events that occurred with journalist Jamal Khashoggi, they had some influence on the idea of the conference?...
  Probably. (Also Paul (Pavel) Khlebnikov can be remembered up)...
  But also at such a way of reasonings a sustainability of media traditions, a commitment of Europe to freedom of media - are obvious!
  Sergei Sergeievich mentally wished success to the conference and switched to Gogol and to the non-commissioned officer widow, who whipped herself.
  Gogol was a journalist too. He welcomes freedom of media! If the Gogol character was a journalist, then she not only would address Khlestakov, but, first of all, would show personal creative and polemic potential. But in Russia of that time there was no freedom of media. So, Gogol's character had to remain in the status of the character, who had whipped, lashed herself of herself.
  Sergei Sergeevich imagined Gogol. Gogol smiles mysteriously. Why is he smiling? He welcomes the conference!
  On July 11, 2019 10:42
  Translation from Russian into English: July 11, 2019 13:12.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ как Сергей Сергеевич проникся уверенностью в медиа-лидерстве Европы'.
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