Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story how Vanya Zhukov felt admiration

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    The Story how Vanya Zhukov felt admiration

  The Story how Vanya Zhukov felt admiration
  Vanya ran through the streets of the capital of the Latin American Republic. He was delivering pizza.
  A car stopped nearby. Comrade Friend kindly invited Vanya into the car:
  - I have a question for You. I want to hear Your opinion about...
  Vanya prudently took out a deck (a pack) of cards, opened out a pack and took out a playing cards.
  At this time the phone bell rang. Vanya was covered with sweat. His face flushed.
  Comrade Friend made a sign to the driver. Driver pressed a button on the panel. Next to Vanya the glass of the car went down.
  Comrade Friend picked up the phone:
  - "Oh ... Yeah, it's an interesting situation. I wanted to hear my advisor's opinion on these events. My advisor is next to me, in the car. I turn on the speaker."
  Vanya felt that he did not have enough air, despite the open window.
  "Your adviser may recall how I politely left the assembled persons with the help of a parachute. And he got a push in the back and was sent down the mine of a refuse chute..." - the voice of the great diplomat was heard on the speakerphone.
  Vanya reflex, involuntarily tried to grasp with fingers something. The forearm of his hand slightly hit against edge of a window, and the cards slipped from his fingers. Maps, spinning, flew in the air behind the car.
  The car continued to move...
  - "Cards were scattered onto the road, and the car continues the movement..." - after a pause the voice of the great diplomat continued a reasoning. - "... all the consultation... What can your consultant explain? He only an insignificant illustration to process..."
  The great diplomat hung up.
  Vanya looked through the windshield at the flickering objects and the road in confusion.
  Comrade Friend was thoughtful.
  - "I think the consultation was useful," - comrade Friend said at last. He looked at Vanya and shook his hand:
  - "Useful information."
  The car stopped in the place coordinated with Vanya.
  - "Revolution and foresight!"
  - "Information and benefits!"
  Vanya continued to deliver pizza: "What a mind!" "Maps were spilled out, and the car continues to move!" "He knows! He foresees everything! He sees events in the distance!"
  In the evening Vanya was sitting in a chair by the pool.
  Cigar, coffee, fruit.
  Vanya's wife came out up to the pool in a new bathing suit.
  "It is better in the Latin American Republic to drink coffee ... than fly ... through the mine of a refuse chute ... down ... or - as cards, spilled out of the window of a moving car..."
  Looking with admiration at his wife, Vanya enjoyed a sip of coffee.
  May 27, 2019 19:24
  Translation from Russian into English: May 28, 2019 05:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ как Ваня Жуков почувствовал восхищение'.
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