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The Story of how Vanya Zhukov developed the plan "the Gold doubloon"

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    The Story of how Vanya Zhukov developed the plan "The Gold doubloon"

  The Story of how Vanya Zhukov developed the plan 'The Gold doubloon'
  Vanya was running along the city streets.
  He saw the official building ahead. "Pleasant people!" - Vanya thought, having remembered how tasty he was fed here (they with Alex that day had not bought blini (pancakes), but Alex took care of a dinner).
  Vanya ran past the official building.
  Suddenly behind the back he heard someone's steps. He glanced back. A man in a good costume was running behind his back.
  - Señor Escarabajos! The urgent telegram with instructions! To find you and send to the capital at the disposal of the government!
  Vanya stopped.
  - You are expected in the capital! An urgent a situation!
  "I am becoming an international figure" - Vanya thought, partly with irony, partly with pleasure.
  The person in a costume invited Vanya to the official building.
  According a strange and pleasant line of development, the more earlier events, repeating themselves, started to follow one behind another.
  Vanya had a delicious dinner. "Thanks!". The package of currency. The purchase of a good suit and a decent shoes. A beauty salon. The diplomatic passport.
  At some moment, a complete similarity of the events ended.
  He had to fly to the capital of the Latin American Republic on a planes of commercial airlines and with a change. Moreover, on the finishing part of a way Vanya went to some innovations.
  He did not want to bump upon a long-time checking of the things and documents, already ended once with the loss of things, money and passports. ("It was pleasant to get from the airport to the center of the capital free of charge by bus..." "But for the publication of the collected works a hard currency will not hurt... Jacket - a useful part of the costume ...").
  Vanya flew through the most civilized countries up to the European island in the Caribbean sea, found a ship from a Latin American country in the port, talked to the captain, was convinced of his, captain's, commitment to the revolution ( the son - in the home guard, the son-in-law - in rows of a "collectivos", the nephew in ... - a significant pause).
  Vanya explained the situation to the captain: "the Revolution needs vigorous protection!" The captain nodded approvingly, with the understanding on his face.
  "It is urgently required to arrive without unnecessary formalities to the Latin American state!"- explained Vanya. The captain nodded with the understanding: 'Revolution and freedom!'
  The comfortable cabin was allocated to Vanya. His surname was entered in the list of team (Vanya remembered Heinrich Schliemann departed to Venezuela from Europe, from Hamburg, as a cabin boy).
  Brief negotiations of the captain with officials (they fulfilled a watching walk on deck).
  The ship left port.
  "I gave you inconvenience...", - Vanya modestly stated.
  - 'Revolution needs protection!' - the captain spoke firmly.
  Nevertheless, Vanya gave compensation (in the form of a certain amount of hard currency) to the captain for the losses.
  - "It is not required", - the captain shrugged.
  Soon the voyage was over. The captain handed Vanya over to the port authorities. A government car has carried Vanya up to the Palace.
  It was necessary to wait a bit. The reception of newly appointed ambassadors from Asia and Africa...
  Soon comrade Friend entered the room. As always, he was vigorous and looked great:
  - 'Revolution and freedom!'
  - 'Right and democracy!' - Vanya reacted.
  Comrade Friend characterized a situation. The country is rich with gold. But sanctions prevent a sale of gold.
  - 'The honest, loyal to the revolution, people need regular wages... The local currency is worth nothing... A hard currency is almost entirely spent... Gold can not be sold - because of the sanctions... Need a plan - how to overcome the difficulties...'
  Vanya was meditating for a moment. A combination appeared in his conciousness. "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson, the memoirs of count Witte (regarding the usage of a gold coin) and a vague memories from school textbooks about the monetary reform of the "New Economic Policy" and about the Soviet Chervonets (type of 1923).
  - 'I offer a plan "The Gold doubloon"!'
  - 'What does it mean?'
  - 'A gold reserve is used for the coinage of doubloones. That's the main part of the plan. The name of the plan is conditional. It is known that the doubloon by definition - a gold coin. The word "Gold" emphasizes the power of the revolution and its upcoming victory! The expedition for a searching of the flooded galleon with a huge cargo of doubloones will at the same time be organized. The expedition is additional actions, the camouflage of the main plan. The ancient sealed bottle will be found in the ocean. In the bottle - a map with the location of the flooded galleon. The ancient ship is full of treasures, doubloons, gold! The cost of these treasures is comparable to gold reserves of the country of the average sizes. The information on partial success of an expedition will be issued for a public. When foreign currency reserves completely will come to end, the decree about the direction of the doubloons, found in the ocean, into the system of monetary circulation, with a certain exchange rate, will be signed. Such a fairy story will turn towards the Republic the sympathy of all free-thinking and romantic-minded people of the world. On the wave of sympathy the question on cancellation of the financial sanctions will be put forward.'
  The comrade Friend obviously hesitated.
  - 'Doubloons can be declared a revolutionary money, according to the historical traditions of Simon Bolivar and his predecessors (... even Maximilian Robespierre did purchases, using doubloons - I am confident ...),' - Vanya added. - 'Although in the foreground this great man, Simon Bolivar, had high goals, nevertheless, nobody claims that he never bought anything ... A goods for the Army supply were purchasing? Doubloons were used?'
  Comrade Friend glanced at Vanya with interest:
  - 'It's a good offer!'
  - 'I suggest not to hurry! So far to give the information on search of a galleon, to order the necessary equipment for the stamping of doubloones. Until the full exhaustion of a hard currency, sports bags with new doubloons should be placed at the disposal of senior officials for confidential storage. After the exhaustion of hard currency, doubloons, at a fixed rate, it is advisable to use for the payment of wages to honest people and for other needs...'
  - 'In further actions I suggest to be guided by the principles of the financial and budgetary reforms of Peter the Great,' - Vanya pompously added.
  - 'To act without a precipitance ...,' - comrade Friend thoughtfully said. - 'I thank. The plan is clear. The first actions do not demand special efforts. I will give an order to announce about the beginning of search of a galleon publicly (a similar searches near our coasts are conducted constantly) and about preparation of the equipment for stamping of a gold coins ... Further - we will look ...'
  - 'I ask you to continue your reflections!' - comrade Friend summed up the result of a conversation. - 'What are your wishes?'
  - 'I, as the adviser of the government, to be able produce the correct recommendations, has to know a situation. I ask to include (recruit) me in service personnel one of city cafes as the delivery boy of pizza under a name of Phil Bittl, the tourist from Europe, who was naturalized in the Latin American republic for the love to a nature and to her nice history ...'
  Comrade Friend immediately gave the corresponding orders and, having kindly said goodbye, left the room.
  The official car has thrown Vanya in the estate. Soon Alex arrived.
  - 'What are your plans?' - Alex asked.
  - "I've been going to publish a collection of works - for a long time," - Vanya admitted. - 'I need to do this before the currency is over. In parallel, I will work on pizza delivery - among the ordinary people, among a "collectivos". Maybe I will join the home guard. The consultant should know how the revolution is developing.'
  - "Perfectly!" - Alex said. - 'I am haunted by a vision from my sleeping about this estate. I lived here with my wife. No a wife, till present time, yet...'
  At that moment, the estate Manager arrived.
  - 'Employees of the "International center for intellectual efforts in the tropical region" arrived from the East African country! There are instructions to settle, temporarily, the staff of the center in this estate!'
  - 'No problem!' - Vanya and Alex reacted.
  The arrived staff of the center came soon to meet . They were two students (girls) of the world-famous University who visited the East African country for the ethnographic research. They, for in-depth study of the situation, agreed to be part of the harem.
  However, formalities were followed by no consequences - they only started thier trip to the harem, when the owner of the harem, already, ran away to another country, trying to save himself from the anti-corruption prosecution.
  Soon after his disappearance, "The international center of intellectual efforts on the tropical region" was created on the basis of a harem, but also the Center worked not long - a rough political changes began. A part of employees of the center was moved to the southern European Mediterranean country. Students in "the European personnel" were not included (an information, that they are interconnected with the world famous university, was spreaded), the Latin American regional branch of the Center was created on their basis, and they were sent to the capital of the Latin American republic.
  With themselves they took several sport bags, standing under beds. There, apparently, archive materials of the Center were stored. It seemed that patrons of the Center or forgot about existence of students, or were not eager to communicate with them.
  Vanya thought that not accidentally Alex saw this estate during a sleeping in combination with family life.
  On a similar wave also Alex was thinking: "Revolution waits for active intellectual support! The Latin American regional branch of the Center has to be organizationally strengthened!"
  - 'You agreed to be a part of a harem for a more detailed studying of local life. But now you - in the Latin American republic. There are no harems. Therefore for a studying of local reality you can to enter with us the family relations according to local rules.'
  Vanya nodded in agreement and looked benevolently at the students.
  The opinion of the Minister of energy, supported by the approval of the adviser to the government (who hinted, besides, about a distant family relations with great Miklukho-Maclay), made an impression on the students.
  The students didn't mind.
  Official car has thrown the newlyweds towards the local administration. The mention of the name of comrade Friend solved all the problems. "Revolution requires vigorous action!" New families recieved a documents on the registrations of marriages.
  About religious ceremonies the couples agreed to take a decisions a little later.
  The evening was dedicated to the celebration of pleasant changes in the organizational structure of the Center and in personal life.
  The night passed positively. The Manager of the estate was explained the needs of the revolution in intellectual efforts. The Manager delicately turned on the soft music. The sounds of "Bésame mucho" were flying over the estate.
  In the morning, after a joint breakfast, the employees of the center began a scientific analysis of local reality, Alex went to the Ministry of energy to work as a Minister, and Vanya - towards the cafe to work as a pizza delivery man.
  The evening ended again on a pleasant wave.
  "Until the great diplomat or the Deputy Ambassador appeared, it is necessary to publish a collection of works," - Vanya thought. - "How to do it without the texts of the previously prepared books?".
  In his memory surfaced hint - the figure of Solzhenitsyn, in the form of a monument in Kislovodsk.
  "The writer badly feels himself, when he comes off from a creativity process", - Vanya thought, reflecting over the art conception of the Kislovodsk monument to Solzhenitsyn. - "Absolutely in a different way there were Alexander Isaich affairs' when he by memory was restoring texts of the works ... Here, and I will begin to restore ... by memory...".
  A life gradually got better: a delivery of pizza, a relationships with the wife and with neighbors in the estate, the literary creativity ...
  Somehow, the Vanya 's assumptions were confirmed that in the bags brought by students from the East African country there are not archive materials, but - a hard currency exists ...
  Alex and Vanya earlier had an another ideas, imaginations about a spouses (about a wives) and about the very family life.
  For example, Vanya has understood that the wife not only is not able to bake blini (pancakes), but also does not intend to master this skill ...
  But Vanya had no any special claims or complaints. It was better to have that the family life, which was developing, than periodically to cuddle with the vigorous suntanned person who was making attempts of an imperceptible control of Vanya's pockets regarding existence there of money.
  There was a lot of an attractive at the homeland, but communication with the great diplomat began to remind the endless repetition of the same events (a situations had an ability to repeat, but the development, positive changes were not observed).
  A local publisher issued a books from the collection of works of Vanya ... It turned out that it is not so difficult... In the presence of a certain amount of a hard currency... Even if the circulation is not large... 50 copies for each book... This circulation was enough for the gifts to neighbors on the estate, for a mailing to libraries ... It was necessary to decide - into which libraries to send... What only you will not to do for the love to literature and writer's creativity...
  Once at midnight, special people brought a "new" sport bags... Each sport bag was carried by a ten persons... five men on one side and five men on the other were transporting the each sport bag, holding on to special additional ropes. It slightly reminded Vanya of a carring of a big chiffonier across the stairwell of an apartment building...
  "The coining of Doubloons started", - Vanya guessed.
  The "new" sport bags took a place near the bags taken out by students from the East African country - under beds.
  Vanya tried not to lose his literary form. He kept a diary - he was making a regular notes about the events in the estate, about the events seen in the pizza delivery process, about his own thoughts...
  Sometimes Vanya turned on the radio and listened to the news - about the events in his native land... It were an interesting news...
  April 21, 2019 08:18
  Translation from Russian into English: April 22, 2019 16:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ как Ваня Жуков разработал план 'Золотой дублон''.
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