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The Story of the "fourth information sector"

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    The Story of the "fourth information sector"

  The Story of the "fourth information sector"
  Sergey Sergeyevich continued to reflect on "digitalization" and on "the third information sector".
  "Comparing the pros and cons of all these "digitalizations" does not lead to obvious conclusions.
  It seems that from all these automated systems of tracking and control of the personality, from all these meta-data (with personal information) there is no real benefit, but there is quite noticeable harm..."
  "A difficult subject", - Sergei Sergeyevich didn't begin to insist on conclusions.
  News came.
  The user of Instagram Ekaterina Peskova told about the unpleasant situation which happened with her grandmother recently (
  Logically Sergei Sergeyevich divided Ekaterina Peskova's message into several components:
  1. "Recently my grandmother was called from number which was defined as "VTB Bank" in which she opened the account."
  2. "Having presented as an employee of bank, the girl told that there was an attempt of withdrawal of funds by Mr. Gordeev from the Saratov region. Having reported that the security service of bank warns that cards need to be blocked immediately, dictated to the grandmother ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT her FROM THE DATE OF BIRTH TO CARD NUMBERS."
  3. "At the end the girl ["from bank"] asked to report the CODES which ALSO CAME FROM OFFICIAL NUMBER from which all SMS from bank came. The grandmother, having suffered prolonged anxiety, dictated figures.Then instantly all money from her cards disappeared..."
  If Ekaterina Peskova read investigation "the Maximum amount of dirt on everyone... the Investigation by "Meduza". 15:59, August 8, 2019. Source: Meduza. Author: Author: Lilia Yapparova. Editor: Alexey Kovalyov (, she, perhaps, would have answers to some questions ...
  It is possible to remember also a numerous messages of the unfortunate citizens who found disappearance of values from a bank safety-deposit boxes ...
  "... At the widow of a star of the movie "Brother" and "Brother-2" stole nearly 600 thousand rubles from two bank accounts
  25.01.2018 at 13:48
  ... There was a depression: Svetlana Bodrova explained why she answered a phone call of swindlers ...
  ... She was at home and though called from unfamiliar number, she answered a call because she was plunged into reflections about the problems which suddenly rushed on her. First, its project "Time of Cinema" on federal TV channel was closed and some time she was without work. Secondly, at the dacha, as ill luck would have it, there was a municipal accident - a copper broke through and all her house was filled in with water. The male voice from the device spoke pleasant tone and was politely presented by the employee of bank. THE CALLING [swindler] CONFIRMED the COMPETENCE to the CONFUSED WOMAN with THE FACT THAT he REPORTED her PASSPORT DATA, NUMBERS of the BANK ACCOUNT AND SALARY CARDS ... the LAST [BANK] OPERATIONS. Under the pretext of the fact that in the system of mobile bank there is restructuring and work on change of rules of an entrance to electronic "purse" is conducted, ... "employee" of bank requested the NEW "TEST" CODE of the ENTRANCE ... WHICH CAME BY SMS. Svetlana, without thinking, dictated to the swindler the password, and after a while to her on phone messages began to come with information on funds write-off from her card. It is remarkable that all this time the calling [the swindler] was not disconnected and assured the interlocutor that there was a failure and works on its elimination are conducted in real time. Thus, during the conversation unknown devastated the savings account (there were 510 thousand rubles) and the salary card on which the advance payment (75 thousand rubles) lay.
  As reported a source in law enforcement agencies, field investigators established that phone from which swindlers called by phone to Svetlana Bodrova is registered on the 46-year-old native of Abkhazia by the name of Lyon, and the call was made of the settlement of Smirnovka of the Solnechnogorsk district. Police officers carry out an inspection ...
  Виктория Чумакова". (
  The check result, probably, was not published in media ...
  These two cases are prompting not only about
  (1) a theme of accumulation of personal information, but also these data contain a theme
  (2) about the codes, which are coming by SMS ...
  Not absolutely it is clear, - these SMS came from bank? And from where such synchronism of events? Malicious users could not know when the bank sends the code by SMS?
  The case with Svetlana Bodrova adds one more (3) theme - a depression because of the hard troubles. In some form these "troubles" could find the reflection in social networks or in information bases?...
  Let's allow the "Throwary [swindler] - RF" software product works ("Throwary - Rapacious Finance"). (1) Wealthy citizens are selected, (2) citizens are put "on control" till a moment of psychological instability ..., etc.
  "According to the Central Bank, in 2018 from cash cards of Russials 1.38 billion rubles were stole". (
  "on August 13, 2019, 03:15... The debt of Russians on the credits is about 8 trillion rubles now and the debt grows for 25% a year". (
  How to call the similar phenomenon - a combined plunders from bank accounts (with use of personal data and others "digital opportunities")?
  "What if to call it "the fourth information sector"?" - Sergey Sergeyevich assumed.
  On August 13, 2019 05:58
  Translation from Russian into English: August 13, 2019 06:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о "четвертом информационном секторе"".
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