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The subtle art of (Russial) diplomacy. Or a March is the month of love. The historical and diplomatic note

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    The subtle art of (Russial) diplomacy. Or a March is the month of love. The historical and diplomatic note.

  The subtle art of (Russial) diplomacy. Or a March is the month of love. The historical and diplomatic note.
  In the miniature "The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela on March 29, 2019", the following information was presented.
  Russian foreign Ministry
  С.Лавров: "Вы что-то ждете? Вы хотите, чтобы мы подвигались, станцевали?"#Россия #Турция #Анталья #Лавров
  Sergey Lavrov: "Are you waiting for something? You want us to move, to dance?" #Russia #Turkey #Antalya #Lavrov
  11:33 - 29 Mar. 2019 (...)" []
  The comment.
  1. In what language did dear minister speak?
  2. Whether the statement of dear minister was addressed to women?"
  After the miniature dated March 29, 2019, we turn to the text of the TASS message dated March 7, 2020 [] :
  "MOSCOW, March 7. / TASS /. The Russian Foreign Ministry corrected the Turkish YolTV channel, which incorrectly translated the words of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, addressed to Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan. The corresponding entry was posted on Saturday on the Russian Foreign Ministry's Twitter page.
  Обратили внимание на то, что турецкий @YolTV неправильно услышал слова С.В.Лаврова.В опубликованном видео отчетливо слышно как Министр говорит "I love your tie"
  - МИД России (@MID_RF) March 7, 2020
  (We noticed that the Turkish @YolTV did not hear the words of S.V. Lavrov correctly. In the published video, the Minister is clearly heard saying "I love your tie"
  - Russian Foreign Ministry (@MID_RF) March 7, 2020) [the unofficial translation]
  The channel posted a video on the social network, which captured Lavrov and Erdoğan during the talks held on March 5 in Moscow. The subtitle contains the phrase "I love you Tayyip" ("I love you, Tayyip"), allegedly uttered by the Russian Foreign Minister.
  "We noticed that the Turkish YolTV did not hear the words of S. Lavrov correctly. In the published video, the minister can clearly hear the minister saying" I love your tie "(TASS comment)," was said in the statement of MID.
  On March 5, negotiations were held in Moscow at which the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Erdoğan agreed on the introduction of a ceasefire and a number of other measures aimed at resolving the situation in the Syrian province of Idlib. " [] [the unofficial translation]
  We will express our comments again:
  1. Diplomacy is a subtle art. And this art is becoming more and more subtle.
  2. A March is the month of love.
  3. As for the meanings of English words and language constructions, we will not touch on this topic.
  March 9, 2020 08:28
  Translation from Russian into English: March 9, 2020 09:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Тонкое искусство (российской) дипломатии. Или март - месяц любви. Историко-дипломатическая заметка".
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