Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Tale about vacation of Prince Metternich

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    The Tale about vacation of Prince Metternich

  The Tale about vacation of Prince Metternich
  Prince Metternich appealed to the Austrian Emperor about a ten-day rest.
  The Emperor didn't object.
  The Prince on the personal yacht along Danube floats, enjoys fresh air and weather.
  The yacht sails up to the big city. The Prince thinks: "I will walk around the city, see what the situation is, how things are going."
  The Prince is walking along the city streets. Sees: the advertising of tourist services. "We send to all ends of the Earth!".
  "New type of service!" - the Prince thinks. - "I will enter. I want to know - in more detail".
  He enters. Sees: his portrait hangs.
  The manager goes, very friendly and qualified. "Very glad to see you, Prince, in our firm. Our service is of the highest level!"
  - I was interested in advertising, - says the Prince. - How can you send a tourist from Austria to any part of the World - quickly and comfortably? I personally sail on a great yacht and in a great mood. But, however, I would not set a goal to go with tourist purposes to some end of the Earth.
  - It's all about aviation technology, - explains the manager. - The aircraft provides a high speed of movement. Don't be embarrassed, Your Serene Highness. Even the most high-ranking persons and - with great comfort are flying by planes.
  - Yes... - the Prince says with doubt. - Here, in Austria, not bad. But the Emperor Maximilian, our Austrian Crown Prince, in Mexico went... And what events, unpleasant there for him, have taken place. However, history says that even in difficult circumstances, he he has kept his dignity.
  The manager gave a little sigh. Then say:
  - You, Your Serene Highness, are absolutely right: Austria has a nice climate!
  - I thank for explanations, - the Prince answers, - I will continue my vacation on the yacht. I will float along Danube!
  Prince Metternich came out of the travel Agency, walked a little more around the city, returned to the yacht and continued sailing along the Danube.
  August 18, 2018 00:47
  Translation from Russian into English: August 18, 2018 01:22. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка об отпуске князя Меттерниха".
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