Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Tale of the Dragon-Hare and the Sketch of the art of hare loops

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    The Tale of the Dragon-Hare and the Sketch of the art of hare loops

  The Tale of the Dragon-Hare and the Sketch of the art of hare loops
  The Dragon of Anti-culture with pleasure watched Don Quixote's attempt to battle against a mill.
  "Let he attacks a mill, and I will enjoy a life and do a clever face!"
  At this time film oligarchs spread a red carpet to show themselves and to look at others.
  The Dragon decided to walk around the city and to join a red carpet.
  When the Dragon was on city street, there was a scandal.
  Townspeople staged a something like the bullfights. They started to drive the Dragon into the arena: "Report on the development of culture!"
  The Dragon jumps on streets under a whistle and requirements of townspeople and thinks:
  "In vain I started all this nonsense with admissible volumes of borrowing!" "I would rather say for this mill that it has disappeared, I'll give Don Quixote a million pesos, so he made a film about me! Everyone will think I'm white and fluffy, that I care very much about culture.I'll hide for a while , and then I'm gonna go back to my former cultural cheating and wrecking...".
  Meanwhile, the movie oligarchs drew attention to the unenviable position of the Dragon of Anti-culture: "He is our ancestor and feeder! He is our breadwinner! He is our supporter! And in what an unenviable position he appeared?!"
  Movie-oligarchs began to walk on the red carpet and launch up the balloons.
  The balloons attracted the interest of the townspeople, and they let the Dragon out of sight for a second.
  The Dragon turned into a hare ("I am warm and fluffy!"), made several hare loops and jumped to a red carpet ("Who will touch a path, this a being will gain anti-cultural strength!").
  The Dragon told several words by voice of the Hare from the animated film.
  He listened.
  It seems, applaud...
  "And let this mill continue to flap its wings. Let this Don Quixote fight her... All of this will end it is unclear than... But Don Quixote's attention will be distracted by all this... Don Quixote will shoot fewer video reviews of films that have received money from the state budget..."
  The Dragon began to jump in presidium, towards film-oligarchs...
  "Here the platform for restoration of forces ..." "The Comedians-the fighters for the culture let on other platforms jump against windmills ..." "And I will have a rest so far, I will put my the media image in order, I will restore devilish forces ..."
  "All" are of mine "... "Anti-culture fills with forces..."
  The movie-oligarchs were vowing to love to the culture...
  On June 10, 2019 08:28
  Translation from Russian into English: June 10, 2019 09:07.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о Драконе-Зайце и Скетч об искусстве заячьих петель".
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