Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The third version of the banning of three Tv channels on Kosti-Nf. A story

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    The third version of the banning of three TV channels on Kosti-NF. A story.

  The third version of the banning of three TV channels on Kosti-NF. A story.
  Mr. Wintertund placed himself in the jacuzzi into the most pleasant company and closed his eyes.
  Familiar voices came from somewhere. Somewhere a TV or radio was on.
  A certain political a radio mite, posing as a specialist in political processes in a neighboring country, was bringing into a pleasant state of his interlocutor - a funny dude posing as a specialist in all matters. The dude presented himself as a child prodigy through the use of irony, ridicule and through the composing, through the pronouncing complex scientific lexical constructions on the air. It was assumed that many former students with higher education, hearing long pseudoscientific phrases, recall a lectures at the university, and they are falling into a hypnotic state, they are loosing the ability to critical thinking.
  The conversation between the radio mite and the funny dude remotely reminded Mr. Wintertund of his pleasant state in the jacuzzi. Although for him, Mr. Wintertund, it's is much nicer now.
  They rub against each other, but that is not that, at all ...
  Long travels across the tundra taught Mr. Wintertund to intuitive control over the situation. You should always follow the indirect signs: wind, clouds, sky ...
  Receiving a lot of pleasant sensations, Mr. Wintertund switched to the background listening mode of a conversation between a political radio mite and a funny science-like child prodigy.
  Of course, the girls who made up a company to Mr. Wintertund in the jacuzzi did not allow him to concentrate properly, but, nevertheless, he managed to memorize a lot from the conversation.
  Finally, the conversation between the tick and the funny dude came to an end and a relieved laugh from the interlocutors was heard.
  Unwittingly, under the pressure of positive emotions, Mr. Wintertund also laughed. The girls also laughed along him.
  The transfer has ended.
  The Mr. Wintertund's visit to the sports center "Jakissi" also ended.
  Mr. Wintertund went to get dressed.
  Mr. Wintertund remembered how, after a deadly blizzard, he reached the hospitable chum (tent) and received a saving and pleasant rest there.
  However, even in moments of relaxation, he was composing in his mind an autobiographical sketch about the dangerous and hospitable tundra. Gradually, the sketch was prepared. - Everything was kept in mind, in memory. And as soon as the situation came to the normal state, Mr. Wintertund, looking at the bright Siberian Sun, wrote down a previously compiled essay.
  It's a such type of journalism gives a pass from the province to the capital!
  The story with the closure of three TV channels attracted more and more attention in various media.
  Mr. Wintertund took the towel, he had just dried himself with, and tried to squeeze it out. A few drops may have fallen from the towel.
  - Let it be a few drops of meaning, but I need to squeeze them out! - Mr. Wintertund decided out according the professional habit.
  He decided not to refer to the conversation he had heard between the radio mite and the funny dude (there is the concept of "information crowdsourcing"), but to give everything under his own name (as his own findings on the topic).
  Previously, the main version and the counter-version were created.
  Let's call this material: "The third version of the banning of three TV channels."
  Mr. Wintertund took his cell phone, dialed the telephone number of the person on duty at the radio station, and began to dictate his thoughts.
  The result was such a picture.
  In the center of events is the figure of the president of a neighboring country.
  Why and how he adopted the decree on the closure of three TV channels - these issues are not discussed at all (they are left out off the brackets).
  Background of the issue: Attempt of the President's actions in relation to the Constitutional Court, Kucha with Goradze. Then there are the suckers who defended by the own bodies the nationalists in the square (the suckers imperceptibly pass into the concept of "media-community"; the "media-community" is opposed to the closure of three TV channels).
  Without a large northern neighbor, the suckers have no support!
  The third point is added to the list of the President's "main merits":
  1) solving the issue with the land,
  2) solving the issue with the language,
  3) solution of the issue with three TV channels.
  Assumptions about the president's actions in the near future:
  A) Will he not declare a state of emergency, and will he go over to a fascist dictatorship?
  B) Will he resume the war in hot territory?
  Here, of course, one cannot hint with even a one word about provocations and about the president's merits in ending that very war.
  From the president to other figures.
  The topic of "hurt guys" - that is, of the actual owners of the closed three TV channels.
  The 'hurt guys' are followed by a list of influential people. These influential people find themselves in a risky situation due to the harsh actions of the president!
  Naturally, there is no mention of either the patrons of the 'hurt guys', or the actions of the patrons' proxies in the hot territory, or those to whom the 'hurt guys' will be forced to transfer (sell) assets for next to nothing, if the situation forces it to do so.
  The 'hurt guys' and the list of influential people are followed by the 'people' - the masses of TV viewers. TV viewers are offended - they were deprived of their usual programs.
  So, the 'proud, stupid and touchy' president (such a label should be glued to him) finds himself alone, and against him with varying degrees of aggressiveness are: the Constitutional Court and, indirectly, Kucha with Goradze, and the media community, and the 'hurt guys', and influential people (according to the list), and all the people in the person of offended viewers.
  The confused president tells how he closed the TV channels. He is confused, his face is distorted!
  Oh, how difficult it will be for the president!
  Yes! Do not forget the generals! They don't mind stealing weapons from warehouses. But they are against the war and against being under a tribunal somewhere in Astana or Bishkek ... There will be selected the right judges - to such a tribunal!
  Yes! The embassy!
  The Embassy. It approves, but the president cannot count on the embassy firmly ...
  Seems, that's all...
  So, the third version is dictated.
  "Show me the edited and printed text tomorrow!" - Mr. Wintertund conveyed the order through the radio station attendant.
  Tomorrow he will receive a printed text, and this media product will further strengthen Mr. Wintertund's position in the Kosti-NF radio station. None of these metropolitan figures is able to survive in the tundra in a forty-degree frost and in a blizzard. Let them try to learn real journalism from Mr. Wintertund!
  In any conditions - when traveling on a dog sled, in frost and snowstorm, into a hospitable chum (tent) - in general, everywhere and always you need to write essays, notes, versions ... Real journalism is, first of all, constant creativity ... in any conditions ...
  After looking at himself in the mirror and feeling pleasant impulses coming from different parts of his body, Mr. Wintertund went home.
  "Still, working with information is a fascinating business!"
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  MDCCXCIX. The balanced information. A story about a difficult media problem. - October 29, 2020.
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  MDCCCV. Trishka's Kaftan. The Media sketch. - November 2, 2020.
  MDCCCIX. "Conditions" radio program on Kosti-NF. The story. - November 4, 2020.
  MDCCCXVI. The support for bloggers on Kosti-NF. A sketch. - November 7, 2020.
  MDCCCXXXVI. Elections in Moldova on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 15, 2020.
  MDCCCXLII. Brandenburg Gate on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 18, 2020.
  MDCCCXLVI. Mafia of a bearded frog on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 20, 2020.
  MDCCCLI. We know what will be tomorrow. On Kosti-NF. A story. - November 22, 2020.
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  MDCCCLXXXI. A new appointment to the post of great Tolik and a media pill on Kosti-NF. The story. - December 5, 2020.
  MDCCCXCIII. A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-NF. The story. - December 10, 2020.
  MCMII. Brezhnev, Archipelago, Frankfurt on Kosti-NF. A buff-story. - December 13, 2020.
  MCMIX. A Five thousandth radio reportage on Kosti-NF. A story. - December 19, 2020.
  MCMXIV. Dear thimbleriggers on Kosti-NF. A story. - December 21, 2020.
  MCMXVI. A movie script on the Kosti-NF. A story. - December 23, 2020.
  MCMXIX. Alexander Herzen on the Kosti-NF. The story (continued). - December 25, 2020.
  MCMXLII. Oscaritos on the Kosti-NF. The story (continued). - January 7, 2021.
  MCMLX. A chinese casket on the Kosti-NF. A story (continued). - January 20, 2021.
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  MCMXС. A discrediting of the sinister plan on the Kosti-NF. A story. - February 4, 2021].
  February 5, 2021 12:26
  Translation from Russian into English: February 5, 2021 23:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Третья версия закрытия трех телеканалов на Кости-NF. Рассказ'.
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