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Three ideas and three anti-ideas of the historical period of Robert Mugabe

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    Three ideas and three anti-ideas of the historical period of Robert Mugabe

  Three ideas and three anti-ideas of the historical period of Robert Mugabe
  Who is he, Robert Mugabe?
  Sergei Sergeyevich did not know this. Maybe he knew, in the past, but he not memorized.
  Now came reports of the end of the earthly life of the respected Robert Mugabe.
  Sergei Sergeyevich tried to understand - not the biography itself, but the reasons of the universal excitation.
  Started reading articles on various websites, the Wikipedia articles - about the respected Robert Mugabe, about Zimbabwe.
  A daring thought came - when Germany arranged large-scale events in the center of Europe in 1933-1945, many Europeans had to personally get acquainted with these events.
  Zimbabwe (led by Robert Mugabe) was located and is now located in the depths of Africa. In this regard, a significant mass of Europeans do not have the opportunity to personally get acquainted with the events around and inside Zimbabwe.
  How can they form their opinions about Zimbabwe and about Robert Mugabe?
  With the help of the media image - that is, with the help of the widespread picture, the system of knowledge, ideas, and representations, which is publicly available and generally accepted.
  And what is this painting?
  Sergei Sergeyevich formulated for himself three ideas and three anti-ideas related to the activities of respected Robert Mugabe.
  Three ideas:
  1) A democracy (majority power),
  2) An anti-colonialism (logically linked to colonialism),
  3) An independence (of state).
  Three anti-ideas:
  1) The confiscatory redistribution based on race characteristics (redistributing land from the minority white population to the majority black population - confiscations of white farmland) with the expulsion of former farm owners outside the territory of Zimbabwe (there are hints that some farmers did not have time to leave the borders of Zimbabwe),
  2) The widespread use of repressive measures against representatives of the (political) opposition (with the use of armed groups) (these repressive measures are described variously in different materials),
  3) The non-transparent electoral procedures, which cause doubts in the results of votes and elections.
  Kind of hard to figure it out. How to come to any conclusions?
  In general, Zimbabwe is not in the center of Europe, but located in the depths of Africa.
  In the stream of messages about the sad event, either surprise or respect towards Robert Mugabe is felt.
  Of course, if the respected Robert Mugabe was summoned to some Commission of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, a parliamentary Commission, and asked him to talk about the results of the work, it would be clearer - what and how. But effective parliamentary investigations are political forms - European or American...
  A lot of an obscure circumstances...
  September 7, 2019 00:43
  Translation from Russian into English: September 7, 2019 18:50.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Три идеи и три анти-идеи исторического периода Роберта Мугабе'.
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