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Turgenev and Tolstoy. A literary note after reading the book "Ivan Turgenev"

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    Turgenev and Tolstoy. A literary note after reading the book "Ivan Turgenev"

  Turgenev and Tolstoy. A literary note after reading the book "Ivan Turgenev"
  The reading of the book by Henri Troyat 'Ivan Turgenev' allows to do some comparisons of the biographies of Ivan Turgenev and Leo Tolstoy.
  1. With some simplification, it can be argued that the creativity of Ivan Turgenev, like Leo Tolstoy, was aimed at consolidating Russial society.
  2. Conventionally, we can talk about the links of each of these great writers with the great historical events in the Russia.
  The work of Ivan Turgenev contributed to the abolition of serfdom and to the reforms of the 60s of the 19th century in Russia. 'Didn't they say that Emperor Alexander II himself was crying reading the 'Notes of the Hunter'?' (Henri Troyat).
  'That same evening, during visiting Flaubert, Turgenev admitted to his friends: 'If I were a vain man, I would ask that only one thing was written on my grave: that my book ('Notes of a hunter.' - Henri Troyat) promoted the release of peasants. Yes, I would not ask for anything else. Emperor Alexander told them to say me that reading my book was one of the main reasons that prompted him to make a decision. ' (Diary of the brothers de Goncourt, March 2, 1872.) ". (Henri Troyat).
  Leo Tolstoy's creativity is associated, in particular, with the signing of the October Manifesto of 1905 and the creation of the State Duma in Russia.
  3. Ivan Turgenev and Leo Tolstoy to a greater extent trusted in reforms, gradual movement, and to a lesser extent in revolutions.
  'And to the same Polonsky he [Turgenev] said:' We will sit in the morning on the balcony and calmly drink tea and suddenly we will see that a crowd of peasants (inhabitants of Spasskoye village) will came, through the garden, from a church up to the balcony. Everyone, as usual, takes off their hats. To my question: 'Well, brothers, what do you need?' - they answer, bowing : 'Don't be angry with us, father, not complain... ... You are a good gentleman, and we are very pleased with you, and yet, have to hang you, and, by the way, them (pointing to the guests). ' (Henri Troyat).
  4. The 'European project' by Ivan Turgenev was distinct, real and successful. The 'European (Worldwide) Project' by Leo Tolstoy was less distinct (detailed). But this project was also real and successful.
  5. Both writers lived a relatively prosperous life, if to take a Russial literary 'standards'.
  'In the days of doubt, in the days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and buttress! - The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! If you would not existed - how not to fall into despair looking at everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language is given to not the great nation! '(Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. 'Russian language'. From' Poems in Prose ').
  [... you are my only buttress and support,oh, great, mighty, truthful, and free Russian tongue! Were it not for you - how is one not to fall into despair in the sight of all that is happening in our house?... (Translated by Alex Cigale)]
  November 6, 2019 06:24
  Translation from Russian into English: November 6, 2019 07:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Тургенев и Толстой. Литературная заметка после чтения книги 'Иван Тургенев''.
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