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What is a "model"? A moral note

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    What is a "model"? A moral note.

  What is a "model"? A moral note.
  After the known events you look at photos of the model and you ask: "and what is a "model"?".
  Firstly, it is necessary that concerning the specific personality a mass media, a websites and an agencies used the word "model" (in this point there are a small, a plain secrets).
  Secondly, a youth (a young age) and an appeal (a some beauty) are needed.
  Thirdly, the publications on social networks (with photos) certifying "an unusual way of life" of "model" are desirable. (Water objects closer to the equator are desirable. Views of deserts and steppes are not welcomed).
  All of this is enough that a person proudly call herself by word "model".
  Who needs this "an unusual way of life"?
  It is everyone (more precisely - everyone girl) for herself solves independently.
  Not all so is mysterious.
  The beautiful word means a simple, habitual things ...
  Those who are not lucky with "an unusual way of life", perhaps, - are in a good situation. Just media do not report it. It's not profitable ...
  On January 13, 2020 18:54
  Translation from Russian into English: January 13, 2020 19:20.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Что такое "модель"? Моральная заметка".
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