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The departure of Sveta Dergalova; the angry guys. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva

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    VIII. The departure of Sveta Dergalova; the angry guys. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva. - March 29, 2024.

  The departure of Sveta Dergalova; the angry guys. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva.
  April 5, 2024, 21:16
  Sveta Dergalova suddenly left. No one knows to where.
  Angry guys came looking for Sveta. They examined her belongings - those that were left. They were looking for her new address. But they didn't find it.
  The diary was on the shelf under the Playboy magazine. Sveta liked to look at such magazines before going to bed.
  The diary remained intact. I will make my notes in it.
  {8. Отъезд Светы Дергаловой и сердитые ребята. Из дневника Даши Лаптевой. - 28 марта 2024 г.
  VIII. The departure of Sveta Dergalova; the angry guys. From the diary by Dasha Lapteva. - March 29, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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