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The diary will be returned to Dasha. An entry by Lena Likeeva

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    XIII. The diary will be returned to Dasha. An entry by Lena Likeeva. - March 30, 2024.

  The diary will be returned to Dasha. An entry by Lena Likeeva.
  August 20, 2024, 18:10
  Dasha was taken to the hospital.
  Without the Sun, without fresh air and regular adequate rest, her immune system failed. She was diagnosed with a dangerous infectious disease.
  This diary is at me now.
  College students sometimes come to our supermarket on the 5th underground floor. I'll transfer them this diary. They will give it to either Dasha or her parents.
  { 13. Дневник будет возвращен Даше. Запись Лены Ликеевой. - March 30, 2024.
  XIII. The diary will be returned to Dasha. An entry by Lena Likeeva. - March 30, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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