Зеличенко Александр Леонидович : другие произведения.

Well done! (English version)

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   Well done!
   A regional Anti-HIV/AIDS project started in Bishkek. The project document had been recently signed by the representative of United Kingdom, who aloud the intention of UK to invest into the project implementation 5.4 millions ё (9 millions US$), and by leaders of governmental delegations of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan.
   The celebration preceded by the project designing process. The group of well-known experts from Australia, Poland, Denmark, Holland and United States did serious preparatory work, developed the project design and presented this to the local colleagues, representatives of countries-donors, and various international organizations.
   The project document had been signed after the comprehensive reviewing of the presented draft on the Round Table. The discussion and corrections, aimed to enhance the project effectiveness, had place in the context of the current situation, obtained adequate experience and recent prognoses. Working in the small groups, the colleagues from different countries had a unique opportunity to share experience in the legislative base developing, coordinating of the multiply Anti-AIDS activities, constructing of the multisectoral model of the epidemic restraining.
   Kyrgyzstan is the first country in the region, which founded the special governmental department, responsible for coordinating of the multiply Anti-AIDS programs. Tajik legal experts shared their experience in defining the minimal quantity of narcotic substances seized to open a criminal case; and lobbying these new legislative norms. After these norms approval number of condemned drug users had been released from imprisonment. In result of penitentiary system reform and decriminalization Uzbekistan decreased the prisons population in two folds; it is a second year since Uzbek penitentiary facilities work without over-limit. There are 206 stations of confidence, opened in republic, to provide medical care, psychological consulting and syringes exchange - measure to reduce the infection spreading "on the tip of the needle".
   The presentation, described history of epidemic spreading in Kyrgyzstan and measures, taken for its restraining, draw the attention of the participant. The Round Table participants received an opportunity to visit one of penitentiary facilities in Bishkek suburb, successfully implemented funded by Soros-Kyrgyzstan "Atlantis" Program, aimed for rehabilitation of alcohol and narcotic substances abusers and for syringes exchange. The last from above is allowed for implementation in Kyrgyzstan solely: narcotic drugs in "barbed wired facilities"- it is a scourge of penitentiary system all over the world. On the moment Kyrgyzstan is the unique country in the Central Asian Region to admit the problem existence officially and to initiate the program to get it under the control. Kyrgystan received considerable support from international organizations for this program implementing and truly worked it off: during two years of the program realization no one participated drug-abuser had been infected.
   The Round Table supported the "Harm Reduction" philosophy effectiveness with facts, including the replacement therapy, syringes exchange and other strategy components. The regional practice confirmed the UN recommendations, stated in 2003 that the "Harm Reduction" philosophy is very effective in the illicit drugs demand reduction, mortality decreasing, public health improving, HIV-infection spreading risk reduction, social and criminal situation in the community improving.
   Aleksandr Zelichenko, IHRD Consultant in Eastern Europe and SIC countries,
   Round Table participant.
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