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A nooses for a catching of a rappers. The sketch

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    A nooses for a catching of a rappers. The sketch

  A nooses for a catching of a rappers. The sketch
  'His Excellency
  Loved a domestic birds
  And took under the protection
  A pretty girls !!!'
  Such poems can be found at Mikhail Afanasievich [Bulgakov].
  It seems that everything was clear with the socio-cultural elevators.
  A contacts, a connections, a channels are needed.
  It is advisable to be closer to a theater- and a film- money! And all is tip-top.
  Some pseudo-writer, a miserable copycat, recalled how he began his creative career.
  He wrote something, sealed it in an envelope. He came to a very important reception room and left the envelope there.
  A person with a high position marveled at such resourcefulness.
  Creative people (as a rule) are focused on creative problems and processes. An official reception rooms they seldom visit.
  So they decided to encourage this algorithm. They invited an initiative person, talked, encouraged.
  Now "he's a well-known blogger and a radio host."
  The media now are filled with a message about another - exquisite - social and creative Elevator.
  Especially great efforts for an information coverage by the Corporation were made You know... from the Island...
  Let's say there are rappers. They are tattooed and decorated. They look unusual. They are guaranteed a youth audience.
  Why not to bring the rapper closer?
  But how?
  To invite him and to praise him? To reward? To give money? Butter up him with compliments?
  Turns on an algorithm called "snare".
  And - the rapper is caught. He can't be without a protection.
  He doesn't mind. Immediately, new pleasant material goods begin.
  And, in addition, patronage provides security and an exclusive position onto the likeness of the creative market that still exists.
  A "snares", a "nooses", a "springes" - all this is just a modification of a certain scheme of actions.
  Neither the catcher, nor the one who was caught, none of them have anything against.
  The technique of uniting is, after all, the details. It is important to create a creative Association, to unite.
  All is well ...
  Elevators are diverse in modern "Russial culture" ...
  Other rappers, maybe a freedom-loving. But their fate is a very different thing.
  A catching of a humans (if they are suspecting nothing) is a difficult but exciting practice. Especially if the catchers have a state power.
  Thanks to the Corporation (from the Island). The report is not very structured, not segmented enough. But, nevertheless, it is very interesting. Something we intuitively understood before. But the details are very curious ...
  December 19, 2019 09:52
  Translation from Russian into English: December 19, 2019 07:41.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Силки для ловли рэперов. Скетч'.
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